
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @VictoriaCarr99: Yes.
Hence his staunch insistence that he was in the right.

(I actually think the mold took him for a bit of a surprise, but he was way too far up onto his high horse by then to turn around and climb back down...!)



R to @VictoriaCarr99: 👏👏👏👏👏

Survival of those smart enough to realize that an inch of fuzz might just be a bad sign!



R to @Brodie_Dog: Oh christ those are GROSS. I don't even eat meat but those were on my NO list well before.

I also find wafers problematic. (except Kit-Kats)

Also 🤮 Brandy-snaps, which may or may not be a British thing!



R to @VictoriaCarr99: 😂😂😂

When I talk to other people I realize that opened tins of anything shouldn't be there for much longer than a day.

Tuna only an hour.
Chick peas 2 days MAYBE

As you can probably imagine, my parents were unaware of this



R to @MollyJongFast: You can't.

Mine runs over whenever she sees the twitter bird on the screen 🙅‍♀️



R to @mcg_becky: Becky please don't - you're making me all hot and horny!

Hmm.. funny how he knows my ex's schedule. Eh? I mean it's not like there's anybody on there who could pass on info... or is there? 😂



R to @MLMPrivate: Yes.
They were both born in 1940, during the war.
Both from working class families. ( fathers were a miner, a steelworker) They experienced the entirety of rationing. And poverty for most of their lives.

My grandad cried when I said I'd given up meat. it still stays with me😭



R to @AllenJgallen99: Except for sanctions on gun ownership. As demonstrated by practically every other first world country that exists.

But hey. I'm not here to argue.



R to @Miriam2626: It's not on you, it's on them.

Never change. You are what the world needs more of!



R to @mamasaidenough: I never actually thought of that! Good point!

My thinking thus far is that when people have an irrational dislike for a person they try to invent a reason for it.

It's ok not to like somebody. It's NOT ok to say they did something bad when they didn't.