
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @ConJCosby: Aw bless!

I think either everyone or nobody should have them.

They're only useful so that the other person knows who they're really talking to!



R to @Sian1972Sian: WHAT?

The Sally? The Henbury?

Oh my heart. Sad that it's poo now.

I think it was The Henrbury that Snuff went and sat outside.



R to @TonyEva92385840: That was Snuff.
I think it was The Henbury.

It was the one where if you carried on down Henbury Rd past the school it was on the right?

Dad had been secretly stopping off there when he walked the dog. That's how we found out - yes I think it was Rich Salter!



R to @simonecutlack: Aw thank you and I am so so sorry to hear bout your sister. Sending huge hugs. ❤️💔



R to @Apc1999Chocks: Aw thank you! Really kind of you!

I do hope to come back at some time! Time flies though doesn't it! 😊



R to @VickyTroke: Yes, and Face Time.

You wouldn't want to see those! We talk for AGES!



R to @sexandtheswiss: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Would have no idea how to do a rim-brake thing - kissing or non!



R to @HelenSparkles: Me too! I'm not following you around twitter I promise - you just keep coming up and having the same thoughts! 😂



R to @afrosabi: You're definitely not ugly - I just stopped mid-scroll and went "who is that?" 😊



R to @sexandtheswiss: It's fine.
Personally I feel safer here.
The break-ins happen mostly in the hills where the Uber-rich live.

The only constant you have to think about it is that people could have a gun on them. But personally I've only seen ONE used in 20 years.



R to @MortenKathy: I wanted to be an actress. I did it! I became an actress.

I also wanted to be a Mom though. With great difficulty (8 ivf cycles) I became a Mom. Twice! Hurrah!

Then the father of my children left so I had to stop being an actress.

I'm a single Mom now. Very happy though.



R to @Wianette_Kaehne: Fvcking brilliant. it came at such a good time for me too!



R to @Sian1972Sian: OMG! Well it wasn't all that even back then... it had a bit of a back of beyond quality.

Sad that it hasn't improved!



R to @CrunchAlias: When you scroll down to the real banner it's kind of funny.

Made me laugh anyway.