BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

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Aug 31, 2023
Oh dear, I hadn’t even thought about the deal signing photo. The narrative was carefully orchestrated from the outset - a hugely successful man, who could turn his hands to anything, struck down in his prime. That sort of thing appeals to so many different types of people, from grief tourists to those who so want to catch a break and believe anyone who may give them a glimmer of hope about how they did it. It’s very sad, and if it’s designed to prey on people it’s a really horrible thing. I didn’t follow Richard early on because whilst I felt sorry for him I didn’t like the way he spoke about things. I followed him for a little while, probably because he kept appearing on my feed or something, but again, I didn’t like the rants. Have to say I didn’t like the Tattle rants either, seemed really unnecessarily vitriolic sometimes (remember that was before we knew about the possibility of all these scams) but I think they fed off each other a lot. He loved the drama, until he couldn’t control it! But the deal signing photo was definitely meant to suggest he’d been signed by a publisher, as he had said he’d been contacted by publishers after posting stuff online. As someone said much earlier, I’m worried now this was all designed and manipulated from the outset when he saw how Bowelbabe managed to get people to part with their money in such huge amounts.
Yes and isn’t it funny the photo of him signing his book deal was removed from his feed 😡
Aug 14, 2023
I still think the cherubs still think he has a book deal...they dont understand the difference, alot dont read on here....they only see what she puts up, they believe everything she says, seems she still gets lots of what I assume are supportive comments, you can see the comment count sometimes on the posts.
Aug 14, 2023
But not from the Newspaper. They even lied to a Newspaper they were that cocky, no wonder the cherubs believe him......


Sep 26, 2023
Only people I've heard about trolling are all the horrible followers who messaged the lady who was doxxed for asking for a refund...must of been them, account is private, lisa..... his own followers are trolls, attacking innocent people that you have incited them to, because they dared to ask for a refund!! Oh and you lisa are a troll for all the hateful things you have said and inciting others to harrass and abuse....not forgetting the
" if you come for me I will be right behind you, " threatening a disabled lady in a wheelchair, so whos the TROLL lisa..??
Dont get me started........

And yes, its QUIET not QUITE....get back to school......
I laugh at how you tell her off btw.......

And you have been " quite " about stuff cos you dont give a stuff and couldnt be bothered updating anyone...and it would of been very easy to keep people updated, stop blaming others. you just couldn't care less, and cos there's no book,.....
So very bleeping true, the woman seems to forget her own trolling. She thinks she can just get away with it, I'm glad we dont let her forget about it,


Sep 26, 2023
I still think the cherubs still think he has a book deal...they dont understand the difference, alot dont read on here....they only see what she puts up, they believe everything she says, seems she still gets lots of what I assume are supportive comments, you can see the comment count sometimes on the posts.
Yeah I agree, she plays on the fact they believe what she tells them, only some read on here and it's hard to let the others know without her blocking you,
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Sep 26, 2023
But not from the Newspaper. They even lied to a Newspaper they were that cocky, no wonder the cherubs believe him......
That's so right, never occurred to me, they bare faced lied to an actual newspaper about his book deal, never said he had booked and paid for a vanity print, for a book that really doesn't exist, how hard faced and cocky is that!!! Troubadour publishing is just a fancy printers, we all know that after what's happened, they dont sign you up, you pay them to print a book. It takes years to get signed up by a reputable publishers, doesn't just bleeping happen overnight like Richard said, and nobody doubted him because he was a cancer INFLUENCER,


New member
Sep 10, 2023
I've been quietly reading this whole saga for ages. Mostly sat like this 😮😮 haha anyway don't know if this is a significant find ..see what I did there ha. But did a little search the other day and noticed this recently happened! Like days ago! Sorry if this isn't relevant to anything, but thought I'd share


Aug 31, 2023
Yes I remember this well, he made a big announcement that he had bought shares in the roofing company so that Lisa would be financially secure once he passed away. Another brag/lie 🙈

Or he just realised it was easier to make money from innocent people via social media, TAX free, rather than putting the hard work into running an actual real company 🙈


Sep 6, 2023
Yes I remember this well, he made a big announcement that he had bought shares in the roofing company so that Lisa would be financially secure once he passed away. Another brag/lie 🙈

Or he just realised it was easier to make money from innocent people via social media, TAX free, rather than putting the hard work into running an actual real company 🙈
Did he say he’d bought the company, for the reason you said that Lisa would be financially secure (how? Was she planning on becoming a roofer???) and then a very short while later the bloke he bought it from set up in business again?


Aug 31, 2023
Did he say he’d bought the company, for the reason you said that Lisa would be financially secure (how? Was she planning on becoming a roofer???) and then a very short while later the bloke he bought it from set up in business again?
He said Lisa would have shares in it but the business partner would be running it, so she could just take a dividend each year.


Sep 6, 2023
He said Lisa would have shares in it but the business partner would be running it, so she could just take a dividend each year.
It’s like they all live cloud cuckoo land! The company didn’t make the sort of money that would set someone up with enough dividends that they never needed to work again! Is Northampton on a different planet because the same rules don’t seem to apply as to the rest of the country, or world, come to that?!


Aug 28, 2023
It’s like they all live cloud cuckoo land! The company didn’t make the sort of money that would set someone up with enough dividends that they never needed to work again! Is Northampton on a different planet because the same rules don’t seem to apply as to the rest of the country, or world, come to that?!
Especially as she, according to Rich , was the best social worker to have walked the land
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