Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Feb 29, 2024
Angie is now wanting a bed day ha ha can you believe this woman! YOU dont leave your house and the bedbugs are having a field day in your dirty sheets…… bedslug like fiesty 😂
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Feb 28, 2024
Pineapple don’t be jealous that Michelle, Michelle’s got got more money than you without , opening her legs, 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Pineapple bragging about money is such a lame flex. When does she do this ‘escorting’ the fat useless mouthpiece is on tik tok 24/7 boring people to death. Shes full of s. Just another frumpy mummy who resents her kids and a husband who fs other women while she switches from box to box on tik tok dribbling on about her make believe bullshit life. fing get back in the sea you fat manatee
Feb 29, 2024
Hate how pineapple glamorises the job she does knowing women have been a and killed doing it can’t stand her . It feels like she is trying to recruit women by offering to take them places the pimpfs
Hate how pineapple glamorises the job she does knowing women have been a and killed doing it can’t stand her . It feels like she is trying to recruit women by offering to take them places the pimp
fanny like the euro tunnel


Feb 19, 2024
When the filter drops Angie


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Feb 28, 2024
I like Angie but has she put false teeth in or is it the teeth whitener filter? Pineapple you said 4 times you were dropping down so GO and stop clout chasing. Oh as I’m writing this she has dropped thank god. Omg she is back again she is like a boomerang you throw her out and she comes flying back.
The woman is like thrush. An irritating c u next Tuesday that keeps coming back 🙄
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Feb 28, 2024
Pineapple Kate is desperately trying to be relevant and the only relevance to her existence is her done out blue waffle and the brown on her mouth from sucking pedo charlies asshole🤮
How boring is her “i didn’t know that” act. I’m not surprised you didn’t know simple fing information about things Miss Gashapple. If you pulled your own fat head from your arse and stopped acting like a t. You might have a better chance of NOT being the world’s biggest bore. They all can’t stand you for do sake. It’s only Charlie who rims you and that desperate lonely broke old queen would love a turd if it smiled at him.
Feb 29, 2024
Don’t forget to mention Buster! Driving a hgv lorry whilst on tik tok live and not paying attention to the road! Oh and Chloe with the black hearts the dirty drink driver 🤣
Chloe with the black hearts and that mummy belt-her-for-god-sake had me in hysterical laughter with their melt downs the other day 🤣😭😭🤣 I'm sick of this app, no-one understands me, no one cares about me but I'm always the one there for others, I'm leaving boo hoo 🙄 back live with in a hour 😬 they can both go and go at others but the minute something is thrown at them they run crying 🤣.
Feb 29, 2024
Chloe with the black hearts and that mummy belt-her-for-god-sake had me in hysterical laughter with their melt downs the other day 🤣😭😭🤣 I'm sick of this app, no-one understands me, no one cares about me but I'm always the one there for others, I'm leaving boo hoo 🙄 back live with in a hour 😬 they can both go and go at others but the minute something is thrown at them they run crying 🤣.
Chloe was announcing her departure from tiktok like its an airport! No one cares you smelly farmer!
She didn’t take long to come back on a fake account though 🤣they are all a bunch of freaks, but I can’t stop watching 🤣
Feb 29, 2024
That’s the one! She genuinely looks like a man in really bad drag! She’s a vile cretin just like her smelly little arse tag Billy
This 👏 I'd have been distraught having been sat on that plane near them, I can literally smell the stench of damp at the thought. Kat who gifted and modded for simba when he was 16/17 but goes at others for grooming 👀 and not forgetting billy and his long time mod who was revealed to be a child too👀 they kept that quiet didn't they. And these are people fog horn gob max considers friends, wise up Ang, you need rid of max


Feb 28, 2024
Hahaha another with wonky dentures 🤣 did you know she has a 29 year old son and is from N.Oireland..😁
Her husband can’t walk you know, her sisters a medium and she grew up during the troubles and no one NOT A SINGLE person knows how bad it was for her. Oh and she was as a hooooirdresser and she had a boooooorger van, wagu beef as well. But ‘cost of living’ happened and that was that apparently. Nah debs you dreamt this up whilst on your 8th bottle of Smirnoff that day. Oirish (did you know she’s from oireland) debs could start the troubles off with any country anyday of the week she’s such an unhinged lunatic. Her face looks like a fing bomb went off on it anyway


Feb 28, 2024
This 👏 I'd have been distraught having been sat on that plane near them, I can literally smell the stench of damp at the thought. Kat who gifted and modded for simba when he was 16/17 but goes at others for grooming 👀 and not forgetting billy and his long time mod who was revealed to be a child too👀 they kept that quiet didn't they. And these are people fog horn gob max considers friends, wise up Ang, you need rid of max
Max is that neighbour who you hide from. She’s the woman who you pretend you’re on the phone around so you don’t have to interact with. Shes like a fing toy that’s preset with about 6 different sayings on repeat all day. Get in the bin 🗑️
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