She hasn’t mentioned if people can go in if they have beef with her… did I miss that? Queef Beef
You can't say that to me I lost my husband to rabid raccoon in the biscuit aisle of LidlThere's gonna be a trauma dumper coming in
Secret admirer I thinkEy up, what’s the deal?
You said I’m her informant last week, are you just trying to troll the trolls or like, what’s going on friend?
This is CHAOSI described it as one of the hosts looking like Dahmer
She said to can be fake but those two cant lie to save themselvesDo you think ang and lynz had concocted some bullshit beef behind the scenes
I hope she keeps her narcotics out of reach!Tinks in badgalsqueaks live with pupils like saucers
She looks jaundiced too,wonder if Clairebear will sign up and start commenting secretly about them all on here.She gives me that vibe the two faced pissy,rich tea,cabbage stenchoTinks in badgalsqueaks live with pupils like saucers