Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Feb 28, 2024
Fiesty, let's get this straight. I was doing a live, chloe came in, mabel joined as they had an issue and they spoke and sorted it out. You then decided to join my box and have it out, I was muted, wasn't screaming at all. During this chat it was exposed that you had lied about me and thrown me under the bus, obviously this pissed me off, so when I was sat there on mute and heard you lying, I EXPOSED YOU! and I showed proof!
As for gas lighting me, you actually did this in private messages when I confronted you for bringing up Kelly's childhood trauma, out of respect for you and your trauma I have never shown those messages publicly, HOWEVER, they have been seen by people who were already aware of your trauma, who all confirmed that you were indeed gaslighting me! Not only that fiesty, you lied! Because I have listened to the call between you and Kelly and no, you did not once bring up any childhood trauma at all! But you used your trauma to gaslight me because you know full well that I am a survivor of CA myself and know that I am triggered when people use it to troll! You even later apologised for gaslighting me.
So, spin your bull all you like, you're no victim. You have used people, lied, doxed and a lot worse to many, many people on the app. You only mention my name because you think I am weak and want to push me into silence or into hospital. But let me tell you this b, I am not weak and you no longer have any power over me.
I do remember that live as I was in it and the lies that spewed out of fiesty mouth were sickening and yes she was gaslighting yourself and the rest of the people in your box that day.

And furthermore fiesty this is what you do to everyone that crosses your path and you are a pathological liar and you think people forget about ALL the things you have done on innocent people and you think that by coming back on the app slowly that it's all OK don't make me laugh you fing b
Nov 10, 2023


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