Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Feb 29, 2024
do knows what went off but Angie saying she's reported them to social services over fiesty papers from storage or something 🤔 ... But its started Delulu off today 🤦‍♀️
Tam showed loads of screenshots of feistys house and the state it was in, I have the screenshots but I feel weird posting them here after finding out kids were living in that situation! she also showed a picture of feistys kids by accident apparently… and showed loads of stuff about her not paying her mortgage and getting evicted! She then read out some social services reports that were disgusting and apparently feisty is no longer allowed to foster kids! She’s also a raging coke head and apparently accused a foster child of breaking her back and that’s the reason she’s disabled, but apparently that’s not true. I did miss some bits as I was cooking at the time! But tan did show a picture of feisty in her underwear too! But tam can’t talk because she bribes pedos so it’s all mad tbh!


Mar 7, 2024
Tam showed loads of screenshots of feistys house and the state it was in, I have the screenshots but I feel weird posting them here after finding out kids were living in that situation! she also showed a picture of feistys kids by accident apparently… and showed loads of stuff about her not paying her mortgage and getting evicted! She then read out some social services reports that were disgusting and apparently feisty is no longer allowed to foster kids! She’s also a raging coke head and apparently accused a foster child of breaking her back and that’s the reason she’s disabled, but apparently that’s not true. I did miss some bits as I was cooking at the time! But tan did show a picture of feisty in her underwear too! But tam can’t talk because she bribes pedos so it’s all mad tbh!
Keep in mind Feisty has admitted she didn’t have the report on her, they were found in storage. If she really didn’t want this publicised, she would’ve kept the report.
Mar 13, 2024
THE CULT ROLLAR COASTER .. All the ups,down & twists & turns of Angie


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