Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Mar 13, 2024
Yeah none of us are admins we just chat in here.

If it’s changing to be a bit like tattle warnings may appear, I had many warnings on Tattle so I just stayed to a silent reader
It's pathetic that people are now running to admin about comments

They write the worst things about me on my thread and I've not ran to admin 😂

No More Guff

Feb 28, 2024
It's pathetic that people are now running to admin about comments

They write the worst things about me on my thread and I've not ran to admin 😂
If you go to the main forum there's an admin section. They said a few weeks back that they'd had over 200 comments in a day (or something like that)

Lots of snowflakes on here, or cult members crying about nasty words and angie 🤣
That tinkerbell is a wrongun. I know someone who has been a victim of her trolling. She’s not on the app anymore.
Biggest s stirrer. She will go into people Angie dislikes and be slagging Angie off in the comments and then up her ass on her live. Can’t stand her, she’s not even a funny troll
Please come live and talk to us 🤣
Yes, Mabel, please come live so we have something to talk about. I can’t keep listening to Black Pope talking over everyone, Sheryl sounding like she’s about to cry and Angie sitting there allowing threats on her platform and accusations about PLM (which she’s apparently dead against) whilst she looks on her phone and she’s bringing nothing
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