Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Mar 15, 2024
Tik tok
i'm getting all these things sent to me so i wanna make something clear
Tam is not involved with a certain group
she isn't friends with anyone in that group
she spoke to one person who used to be in order to protect her kids which if anyone who is a parent can confirm that there is nothing they wouldn't do to protect their child. She has had hers targeted by the slug and other people on the app for months on end and she had to make sure they were safe.
welsh lisa despite what narrative you and your kid abuser best friend Aisha (fiesty) are trying to spin i have not said a word about a certain group and Tam is never been involved in the group others may fall for your setups but i see right through them.
and despite what narrative you are trying to spin i didn't fall out with Tam about anything regarding a certain group.
just because we arent currently speaking does not mean i will not defend her and speak her truth.
Tam is NOT a beast..... but fiesty is isn't she, she beat up kids in her care when she was a foster child
Tam is NOT a pedalo...
and Tam has never been in a certain group.... whereas again fiesty has/is.....isn't that right lisa

I am sick of these games people are trying to play when there is kids at fing

She was going to take a bribe from a pedo though! There’s proof everywhere and no once has she proven it to be false she said herself on a recording that she asked a pedo to bring £300 to a sting!
Alex westgarth admitted on live that he edited it and tam was innocent
Mar 15, 2024
Mar 15, 2024
I’m not awake enough to watch all of this yet as it’s long, but I’ve bookmarked to watch soon.
From the gist of it though, this is so fing sad. Like literally bottom of the barrel sad. Who the do does this?
It was literally a full on domestic issue, and people were saying in the comments why is this being done on the live etc, and she was like so people could give me advice, or tell me if I'm right, it's almost like she wanted people to tell her she was in the right and he was in the wrong, which clearly would have wound him up because he was in the live, and then she was asking him to get in the box even though he was literally in the room next to her 🤨
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