Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Feb 29, 2024
OIG4 (4).jpg


Feb 29, 2024
Formally NettieNewt
Ok I’m gonna confess I am Cassie. I am not talia Dean the failed X factor god basher. I’m a staunch atheist and I hate everything to do with gifting and rankings.

Zia “don’t do that with me” or whatever she said was so funny. I’ve never interacted with people like her / ricksta it sort of leaves you speechless.
I have no clue who Cassie is
Feb 28, 2024
Ok I’m gonna confess I am Cassie. I am not talia Dean the failed X factor god basher. I’m a staunch atheist and I hate everything to do with gifting and rankings.

Zia “don’t do that with me” or whatever she said was so funny. I’ve never interacted with people like her / ricksta it sort of leaves you speechless.
And in answer to the comments here about having more respect if I went for Angie too:

- the ONLY reason I went in the box yesterday is because I saw Ricksta out in the wild - And I felt like no one has read him in the way it needs to be done
If I felt like I had ANYTHING new to add to the discourse about Angie I would - but everything’s been said to her 100 times over - which isnt productive nor would it give me personal pleasure. I didn’t address her or speak to her, I used her box as a vessel within which to tear Ricksta a new arsehole.

The reason I didn’t scream and swear at him is because I can articulate that I find someone monstrous without doing that. If I went in all guns blazing like everyone does I wouldn’t have been allowed more than 15 seconds on him.

sorry if I have let down comment cafe but I had a purpose and it wasn’t to become an emphasyma box babe
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