Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Pineapple is mod she was cam2 clapper where Alex was chatting πŸ’©. J was in Angie’s then she got splinters from sitting on the fence so popped into Alex’s with Pearl, they told Alex to stop and he booted them from his live, J cried for an hour, got her main banned, she came on her backup with Tjjjjjj cried more, bogies flying, full on sobbing in front of her kids, got gifts,said she was coming off for the night but went straight into Angie’s comments. Oh and she repeated the fact she’s 29 . That’s about it
So the bullshit about the plod coming the other day was also scripted. I hope someone offered J a tissue?! 😭, and there's NO chance she's 29 I was convinced she was early/mid 30s. And I bet everything I own Miss Dread will dodge the whole lot tomorrow. Thanks! Appreciated 😘
Seems like it’s the right time to be back
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