Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Feb 29, 2024
When are J and pearl gonn come shut Angie down ???
Never because it would end up looking like this 🤣
Mar 23, 2024
He was a regular in her kitchen, he was in her bed when she was with barker. (Apparently she slept on the couch) I know he lacks a few brain cells I was wondering if the remaining one he had left had suddenly disintegrated. 😭 She's throwing stuff around and shouting for the views and I think she secretly thinks she'll win Barker back.
do me how do I know more about these dossers than I do about my own family. 🤣
She is just waffling and I’m still thinking about the fire in the box that could happen 🙈😳
Mar 16, 2024
Yeah maybe, just be anonymous like us and don’t give too much away about yourself. I would hate for it all to interfere if you do actually have a legal case going on. I think that’s also what others have been trying to say I’m not sure, I’ve not read it all.
Yeah, quite like being able to be myself in here though and stuff but I get your point, I will sleep on it xx


She is just waffling and I’m still thinking about the fire in the box that could happen 🙈😳
Worse has happened, she set a T towel alight a while ago. She's well aware of what she doing. She's waffling on about a waffle. (Raffle) The raffle is for a Pandora bracelet. Probably barker bought her it or an ex mod.
Does anyone watch king louis? If so opinions... I know he has heart failure but he's one strange character. He's claiming the nurses/doctors in the hospital hes in are his trolls in his chat. He live streams every conversation with doctors and nurses against their will and then sits and complains when they ask him to stop.


Feb 29, 2024
Formally NettieNewt
Does anyone watch king louis? If so opinions... I know he has heart failure but he's one strange character. He's claiming the nurses/doctors in the hospital hes in are his trolls in his chat. He live streams every conversation with doctors and nurses against their will and then sits and complains when they ask him to stop.
He's popped up in my fyp when I'm doom scrolling and I'm not a fan, I find him very abrasive. If the staff dont want to be filmed don't film them.
But then I wonder if I was stuck living in a hospital I might be an abrasive arsehole too.


Does anyone watch king louis? If so opinions... I know he has heart failure but he's one strange character. He's claiming the nurses/doctors in the hospital hes in are his trolls in his chat. He live streams every conversation with doctors and nurses against their will and then sits and complains when they ask him to stop.
I only know of him from miss reds yesterday. From what I picked up he's relatively knew to tiktok and Tyrone went to visit him. He explained why he's needing a heart transplant, then when I jumped into his chat he had a few trolls that were telling him to ask the nurses to open the curtains because he had been telling everyone they refused. Apart from that I don't know much else. But it's a little strange he thinks the nursing staff are his trolls.
Feb 29, 2024
Bit of a long story, so strap yaself in... she was Rhys mod, she caused a bit of friction between other mods and tried to be Miss reds mod, Rhys basically said in a WhatsApp group chat, that kels can stick her Anxiety jewellery up her arse. And the voice note was leaked. Kels caused a stir over it then flip flopped between everyone. After that the clapper WhatsApp messages were leaked.




Omg I remember that. It was outted on mamma ghouls, 😭 Kels lost her s, went around the whole app seeking sympathy, She thought she'd get all the sympathy and attention from Angie, because her clapper video had been shared. Which I've not seen and don't wish to. If I want to see someone stuffing a turkey I'll wait til Xmas. 😭🤣


I sometimes read miss reds thread if there’s anything new! It’s boring as do no one even talks about her on Reddit or tattle anymore either 🤣
Because she is boring as do. It's the same s every day. She'll be secretly gutted they've stopped talking about her, I think she considered them as fans.
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