Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Did he used to have 150,000 followers and 1000s in his lives like he claims?
I’ll be honest, I thought I remembered seeing it. Was like 350,000 but I also think I may have remembered that just cause he said. He definitely had 2 accounts at that time though as I was friends with both but one of them disappeared. I’m not a reliable source on this


Mar 5, 2024
Well my Gif button ain't working 😡😢😭😭
you dont want this tim meadows GIF
Ahhh that must be what’s sticking in my head, oh Christ, that blew up didn’t it.
Do you remember that night Tony first came for her, she packed a bag and said she’s taking Zacky with her, he’s too old now and indicated she’s going to 💀 herself and her dog? She then left her house with the bag (so drunk she forgot the dog) and filmed herself til her signal died. Half hour later she was back on live in her room 😂
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