Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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To give you a laugh my freind text me to say why her dog tries to shag the cat. I sent her this 🤣🤣 it was a kids programme years ago 😲
Cat dawwwwwg
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Feb 28, 2024
Spying in your lives on my real account
Right that’s it I’m giving up my fing job! I can’t be coming off for a couple of hours to come back to over 100 of pages every other day 😫
But I see that there are still a load of fing racists coming out the wood works, acting dumb with stupid remarks.
There is people firing up lives for clout and asking people to send gifts to get in the box.
EQ is finally getting the spotlight on her again for her vile behaviour, miss Certi absolutely did not deserve what was said to her and that t miss Red kept EQ in the box, I’d have dropped her ass so fast out the box 🤬
And finally I’ve found another t to stick on the ignore list, cos feisty is most definitely a wrongun!
Thankfully I have you guys and over 100’pages to stop me missing out 🤎
Feb 28, 2024
I think Nicky is trying to say as a white woman she has never had to fight for a voice. Shes given the respect automatically, whereas Taurian & Paigey have to fight to be heard when it comes to racism. Or am I missing something? 😭
I completely agree - she’s essentially saying she’s learned. But I don’t know why she wanted to come up just to say that. But it was wasn’t adding anything to the discourse - it felt very self soothing. Which is what most boxes miss red are like people just wanting to compliment and be complimented. And this Nay woman is kind of making sense. Like “wow a white woman says it must be hard” isn’t enhancing the debate at all really
Mar 10, 2024
If this is supposed to be an exposer live we’ll expose everyone and I mean everyone from, this app needs to change and the GROUP needs to be brought down or shut down, as far as I can see it all stems for Red and always has
Don't worry, even if it doesn't take any of them down it'll have left holes in their armor, and missing bricks in their friend-wall.
To take down an evil popular person, you cut off their resources/gifters/fans, even losing a few consistently over time is losing a lot. They're not beautiful, they're not exceptionally talented, they're not even particularly intelligent, or successful in business, they just have tiktok popularity, which rides on likeability and that can change very quickly
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