Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Sunderland girl 3

New member
Mar 4, 2024
Lyndz lyndz lyndz your not learning are you. Keep blabbing. And by the way remember when you screen shot felicitys girl and posted it, you really should be careful, I mean what if some random person screen shot your child with his duck and posted it. Wouldn't be nice wold it o I just thought I would give you a heads up to be careful with putting your child on, just hope it's not to late, and someone hasn't already screenshot it.
Please tell me where I have insinuated I have a ss of her child. I am merely advising her of how easy it would be for someone to do, seeing she has ss another child and posted it. People don't like people who have ss of other people's children on there phone, especially if the have penpals on D row, anything could be happening with them, and then for her to post it on tt. So bore off saying I have insinuated I have a ss, I would never ss anybody child without permission nor would I post 1 even if it was sent to me it's just wrong having other children on your phone full stop.
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