Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Mar 10, 2024
We've reached the point where a non-irish irish diemund art glue sniffing John Wayne androgynous menace has become the voice of reason
gremlins GIF


Apr 5, 2024
I’m realising that I joined this whole thing in like Book 3…. There is historical beef and hints to old storylines that I have no idea about.

When did Angie / Miss Red / Alex start going online together? And were Angie and Miss Red friends I have a vague recollection of them being in the same group

Someone should write a timeline.
Always Sunny Fx GIF


Feb 28, 2024
It's beyond enraging to see these TikTokers spew their vile, peddling hate and bullshit, exploiting the vulnerable and their so-called communities without a shred of remorse. This isn't just about slapping down their disgusting antics in online; it's about obliterating the cesspools that allow their toxicity to fester and spread.

Every single confrontation against their bigotry, every damn outcry against their abuse, isn't just a stand—it's a declaration of war against the normalization of this filth. We're fighting tooth and nail to make our digital and real-life arenas impenetrable fortresses of safety and human decency, shielding those who've been kicked around and silenced by these opportunistic predators. Advocating for policies that prioritize safety and respect isn't a "nice-to-have"; it's a fing necessity, a basic human right that these parasites trample for views, heart me's and taps.

The saga of Jimmy Savile, a monster masquerading as a national treasure, serves as a chilling reminder of the dangers of unchecked influence. Savile’s decades-long reign of terror, facilitated by his public persona, underscores the imperative of vigilance and accountability in the face of celebrity. In this era where influencers wield significant power, we must be ever-watchful, ever-critical, and unwavering in our commitment to justice.

Some words ring truer than ever, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” We refuse to remain silent; we choose to stand, to fight, and to ensure that no such shadow falls over our society again.

This is a battle cry for action, not just empty words. We need to crush the platforms that protect these predators, build a network of unbreakable support for survivors fighting their way out of the shadows, and instill a culture of empathy and respect in the next generation that these leeches aim to corrupt. We're tearing down their empires of hate brick by brick, replacing them with communities where care and support aren't just slogans but the very foundation.

Standing united isn't just an option; it's our only weapon. Together, we have the power to demolish their twisted sanctuaries, ensuring a future where our children and survivors, those with the courage to face down their worst nightmares, can find peace and strength.

Our mission is crystal: destroy, defend, support, and lift up without fail.

There's no room for complacency or silence anymore.

It's time to unleash hell on these bastards. Yada🧌
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