Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Feb 28, 2024
Let’s all of us unite and laugh at Angie’s hair that she won’t get fixed and also Lost Army still trying to sell his toilet flush buttons.
Someone posted something from his promo for them where he described his toilet buttons as inspirational.


Feb 29, 2024
Formally NettieNewt
So I’m in Taurian’s on my laptop (because my stupid wireless earphones died and I’m using my other headphones) and basically what happened was;

Everyone was talking about the situation with everything that’s been going on (Alex being exposed for lying, etc) then just recently the video that Hardys posted with that monkey filter on his page got brought up and they discussed it. Then Hardys came into the box and he tried to justify/make excuses but it was brought up that he has issues with Laura etc.
Taurian told him (very respectfully I might add) that she was quickly going to mute him so she could talk because it was getting bad in there and he got pissed off and then when Taurian said “you can unmute now” and repeated herself a few times HE dropped.
Hardys then went and started a tirade talking about how he’s got a black friend and his grandad or someone is of darker complexion than Laura which is just NOT ON! Truly showing himself up as a racist.

Then DG showed up and started shouting about how he’s not a racist targeting Laura and saying he’s going to sue for defamation if anyone says he’s a racist anymore (laughable frankly because there’s actual proof of him being racist so no one would represent him) Laura told him about himself and he rage quit and then sent someone else in to essentially say “DG isn’t coming back because he’s gone away to play his games…wahhh…”

Also after Hardys left Taurian’s and after DG left Taurian’s the comments were absolutely rife with racism and it was atrocious and obvious they’d been sent over by Hardys and DG. Nasty af.
Are you sure you're not oldbutnew?


Feb 28, 2024
Spying in your lives on my real account
I am literally shaking reading the comments tearing me apart. I never wanted to go live, I waited hours for someone else to but no one did and I wanted to speak for us. I said I suffered badly with anxiety and SH, but it’s me you attack when I spoke for all of us?

I’m out.
Mrs D please don’t leave, you have value and respect in here. I don’t know what happened on your live as I went over to Taurian live cos I wanted to watch the comments tear the edl circle a new one.
I get that you don’t want anyone doing anything illegal and risking anything but that was a public article that has been circulating on tiktok and tattle and Reddit for the last 2/3 years that I’m aware of.
I understand what it’s like to have anxiety and doing livestreams, but when I was in your live you done great.
The last few days have been highly emotionally charged for us all, from the racism, lies and accusations to us all trying to prove to people that we are not the bad guys. Especially when it comes to serious matters.
Please get yourself some rest and hopefully tomorrow you may feel a little better about the situation.
I won’t allow them to succeed in their attempts to fracture and break us up, all because they cant control us and because they know we will always stand on the right side of the track gathering evidence and producing receipts 🤎☕
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