Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Feb 28, 2024
Your mum
I'm buckled. 🀣 I think the - judas, at the end gave it away. 😭
barack obama GIF


Feb 28, 2024
Spying in your lives on my real account
Oh wow so they have definitely used it as a way to deflect from the content of the call out thread. They acted like it was brand new information. I actually had myself re reading the thread thinking Jesus Christ we would never have put phone number and address in there.

What a total bunch of spin doctors. It was fascinating to hear them spinning today, what a weird way to live, on the edge protecting liars and spinning narratives.
The thing with them is they think that we are all stupid and that non of us actually have any background information or remember anything after they have given us a bullshit story to make everyone believe their lies.
I can even remember what it was she said she told the judge but I’m not gonna bait her out like that.
But Donna I know you or one of your puppets will be reading in here. Please don’t take me or anyone else for a fool, we are not attached to your strings so you can’t control us and you most certainly can’t give me sob story amnesia. This b remembers EVERYTHING

Noah peel

Feb 24, 2024
Darkside of the moon
Nobody is saying that they wouldn’t tell a friend if they thought they’d been doxed, the point is mushroom flasher that you fired up a live and claimed to have proof, screenshots and stonewalled facts! You lied!
You wanted to be seen as the saviour, the knight in shining armour! When in reality you’re a tosser in tinfoil


Who ever is under the delusive angie 8 account you are the one causing trouble for comment cafe! This is why they keep getting blocked. You use a fake account of angie and then comment cafe accounts get blocked πŸ™„πŸ™„
Big up delusive angie 8. 😊
If they block, mute or don't like us then that's on them. I'm not sucking arse so I can watch a pussy bubble. They block because we are comment cafe.
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