Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Nov 19, 2023
The ster 💩
It’s been a long day, but I just remembered earlier when everyone was kicking off about Maryannes wedding dress being doxxed, and now I’m pissing myself laughing! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
x factor lol GIF by X Factor Global
I missed that 👀
Apr 10, 2024
Is it quiet or have I been blocked by everyone 👀🤣😆
tumbleweed GIF
I think either everyone’s taking a break from TT for the sake of their wellbeing
It’s been a long day, but I just remembered earlier when everyone was kicking off about Maryannes wedding dress being doxxed, and now I’m pissing myself laughing! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
x factor lol GIF by X Factor Global
👀 Did I miss that? oop


Mar 7, 2024
Just so there’s no mixed feelings you skeezy, alcoholic, vile, deplorable, foul, loathsome, excuse for a human being, Angie (though I’m quite reluctant to call you a human being right now or your GROSS ‘guest’ whatever the do you want to call that creep) - I haven’t tuned to your demented live tonight (I can’t stand being anywhere near you and watching you makes me feel like I need to take a scalding hot shower and scrub my skin with dettol) but I’ve read this thread and even skimming having the barest summary of this forum let alone tonight after that s you’ve just pulled is enough to make me 100% certain you’re the worst kind of fed up. That was easy to tell just catching a glimpse of your ghastly visage. You’re haggard, you’re off your rocker and you’re a complete and utter vapid b. I don’t make a habit of swearing fully - I really don’t but for you, I’ll make an exception. You’re the most deplorable kind of monster and you hosting that absolute garbage bag of a waste of space along with your other regulars is testament to that. You’re beyond help. You need to be in jail. That’s where you belong. You’ll love it there, plenty of ‘haters’ to do a lot worse to you than simply ‘troll’ you. Your fing downright disgusting scummy companion needs to be there too. Frankly I wish the guillotine was still legal because that’s what you truly deserve. Peep the pic, you grotesque imbecile, that’s how you truly look.

That stands for any fing scummy monster that preys on children (you have literally no fing excuses so shut the do up!) Pass that message along to your ‘friends’ ANGIE! 🖕🏻

(Sorry comment cafe for the rant, I know I went on a tangent - that apology doesn’t apply to Angie if you’re on a sneaky account in here or any of Angie’s scum)
I completely agree. I would write a paragraph like this, however during times of anger, I lack the ability to keep my composure, and expressing my raw feelings for this situation would very much land me a ban. I have lost respect for Angie, and I hope people out Angie for this, because she has a lot to answer for!
Apr 10, 2024
I completely agree. I would write a paragraph like this, however during times of anger, I lack the ability to keep my composure, and expressing my raw feelings for this situation would very much land me a ban. I have lost respect for Angie, and I hope people out Angie for this, because she has a lot to answer for!
Oh if I had actually witnessed any part of it I would have never been anywhere near as good at typing this out - like I said I came in on the tail end and skimmed what had happened and I immediately was enraged merely by learning what had gone on. I’m honestly flabbergasted. I couldn’t even fathom sitting there having a casual chat with someone like that. I wouldn’t be able to talk to Angie even prior to that occasion without ripping her a new one and instantly being dropped for it. I’m constantly muted/kicked from these scummy fers lives (not Angie’s because I think I’ve only been in once and I felt ill seeing her.)
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