Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Nov 10, 2023
I was googling medical cannabis. Look at the second suggestion as I was typing 😳


Apr 6, 2024
Marks & Sparks
Rachel skinner is a ridiculous human. She’s unblocked me I got blocked ages ago. I used to watch her she was insane with the girl previous to this one. Crying on the train etc. does she still cook roast dinners for 7 people and eat them all by herself


I saw her plate for 5 people once, it had all the trimmings even I was hungry. She set the plates on the counter top but only one person came down to collect their plate ... i was wondering where the do is everyone else? lmaoooo now I know
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Nov 10, 2023
Rachel skinner is a ridiculous human. She’s unblocked me I got blocked ages ago. I used to watch her she was insane with the girl previous to this one. Crying on the train etc. does she still cook roast dinners for 7 people and eat them all by herself
I remember there being a lady dedicated to exposing her last year. I don’t know what happened to her though. I’ve seen Rachel be racist a few times and always turn conversations sexual. I believe she asked a 16 year old about his long wood as well. Weird af she is.
Feb 28, 2024

I saw her plate for 5 people once, it had all the trimmings even I was hungry. She set the plates on the counter top but only one person came down to collect their plate ... i was wondering where the do is everyone else? lmaoooo now I know
I didn’t see her whole relationship with Terri so it must have been before… but she used to live alone yet cook enough for a rugby team. And then scoff all of it, on live. zero self awareness of what an absolute piggy she looked.
Feb 28, 2024
I remember there being a lady dedicated to exposing her last year. I don’t know what happened to her though. I’ve seen Rachel be racist a few times and always turn conversations sexual. I believe she asked a 16 year old about his long wood as well. Weird af she is.
She would have conversations with people and be SO forward, uncomfortably so. And then cry her eyes out when someone she met once didn’t want to see her again. Devastated then back to her predatory flirting within a week, a constant cycle.


Mar 5, 2024
I think the backing track was taken from a Spotify karaoke one, and I chose one that sounded least similar to the original :(

Will a YouTube track be less likely to copyright? It should trace too long to splice a new track in but it’s just fing annoying
Don't know. It's probably because of copyright clearance, it's automated. Try adding a tik tok soundtrack and muting it. It might trick the AI


Mar 1, 2024
A bit of a long one as i wasn't on much yesterday and everyone is still going on about these sheep.. As far as I'm concerned Dave is a known crook, he's been done for fraud, trafficking, dealing, hate crimes, threats of violence- (to name a few) and he openly brags about it. So how can anyone not take his threats seriously or vouch he's 100% innocent?! He's hardly going to admit it and he's likely to get someone else to do his dirty work while he sits back lapping it up.
I can also see why a lot of people don't believe anything 'Lying Laura' says. Her track record ain't great and I wouldn't put anything past her. Yes, she does dedicate a lot of her time to her animals, however people have short memories and seem to forget she didn't give a s when she was breeding dogs and sold them on knowing they had deformities, she lied when her kittens digested her WEED, then tried to insinuate someone had deliberately poisoned them, then blamed it on previous tennants leaving rat poison in the property. It wasn't until an ex mod outted her lies, she's sat battling on live when she had dead kittens in the boot of her car after picking them up from the vet. Then there's the time when she had the poor lamb that had spinal and neurological issues and a vet advised her euthanasia was the moral thing to do as it was unethical and cruel to allow it to suffer, yet she used it to pull on people's heart strings and fleece them out of money. (No pun intended) she fired a live up while people watched it die. Then as soon as her live ended she threw it on top of a pile of rubbish to let it rot even though she told everyone that she was going to give it a proper burial.
Her ex mods, including an ex worker exposed everything and she lost a lot of respect and loyal followers. Its a case of which wrongun do you believe. I hope the sheep are OK,, but as for Shep and Dave, I couldn't give a s about either of them, they're both vile.
Spot on...well said
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