Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Mar 15, 2024
Tik tok
Youtube Charm GIF by Vanessa Van Edwards
Toni was sent the pics and instantly knew it was Alex’s winki 😂
Where is Toni? Haven't seen her and her diamond art for a while.
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Oct 24, 2023
My claws are under your skin
She said 24 weeks gestation on a live too. But her profile implies an older boy child has either been taken from her or died, and another female child is in a contact centre, it’s all really vague.
Someone said earlier she has 2 alive children in care and the child that's no longer here is her ex's hence why the only photos she has of him are at the same age there aren't any baby photos allegedly
Feb 29, 2024
I also follow her… and I’m recalling now looking at her profile and being incredibly confused by which child died and if it was even true. She was making posts like “I miss you just want you home”, then there was another child and she was in a contact centre, nothing made sense but there was no evidence of a death of a child though. Basically her profile screams tricky f.
Has anyone checked FB see if she's on there?
Feb 28, 2024
Someone said earlier she has 2 alive children in care and the child that's no longer here is her ex's hence why the only photos she has of him are at the same age there aren't any baby photos allegedly
Ok it’s all coming back to me now, there’s ZERO mention of her child that died around the time she told me. I actually spent ages looking at her profile. And she trauma dumps all over her page, DV, kids… but not one single mention of a death or a funeral or anything.
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