Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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No More Guff

Feb 28, 2024
Whats Up Reaction GIF
The plot thickens!! Also Alex is a blatant liar so his lies will actually cover up if Rebecca is lying about such horrific things because no one will believe anything being said now.
The thing is what happens if she isn't lying it's all so strange, he has silenced more than 1 woman through his cheating habit Rebecca just seems to he the 1 to shout the loudest. We are all aware of how Alex's 'group' twist narratives and bully as we've had it done to us.


Dec 21, 2023
The thing is what happens if she isn't lying it's all so strange, he has silenced more than 1 woman through his cheating habit Rebecca just seems to he the 1 to shout the loudest. We are all aware of how Alex's 'group' twist narratives and bully as we've had it done to us.
Chonky has posted alot of info in here that makes me think she could be lying. But I know he's a lying bully also My head is so mashed by it all 🙈
Feb 29, 2024
Waffle waffle
If it’s the same girl, She was on angies live, Luci came in and totally debunked everything she was saying and the girl then admitted she was just saying it all for attention and because luci took her off as mod due to her mental health and tried to get her help. If it’s not then that’s 2 people who have got the exact same story
I wouldn't say she debunked it, she looked like a right tit, she knew that girl had mh issues, took her under her wing, made her mod to keep her sweet so she got further in debt then got rid of her


Feb 28, 2024
Spying in your lives on my real account
Completely agree. We all collectively ridicule Alex but this is outrageous. Also this exposed woman is an example of why believing people online is so dangerous
Something doesn’t sit right about her. She uses everyone’s screen recordings, videos and puts them out like she’s the one and only person who has been exposing red. But we all know that there are people in here who have been doing it for time over on tattle. She wants to be the big I am when it comes to exposing people and putting information out there, regardless of whether or not what she is saying is factual. When she was going on about the messages between Rebecca and Alex I knew she didn’t have the full access to the whole chat, I messaged her and said this but she isn’t interested because she likes her narrative of things.
Rebecca sent Henry Hoover the entire chat pictures included, there was voicenotes but I don’t know if she sent the actual voice notes to Hoover.
Feb 28, 2024
This is gonna be an unpopular opinion but I need to say it.
Hann how the do can you tell Alex to apologise and all this will be over. Revenge porn is not a fing joke, it’s not a fing just apologise to the person who has revenge porned you and it will all be over. No do that s. There is no way people would have the same energy if a man committed revenge porn against a woman. I don’t fing like Alex but we can not be victim shaming just because he is a man and we don’t like him.
Anyway I’ve had my rant. I’m gonna catch up so that in the morning I don’t have 2/300+ posts to read then I’m off to bed. I hope you night owl cause some fery through the night to entertain me with when I have my morning coffee and catch up.
I couldn't agree more. I will rip the s out of Alex quite happily; but why should/would he apologise when it has happened to him? I can't lie, it was quite sad to hear him sobbing. Had a male done the same to female, there would be absolutely uproar, and reporting to the police would be advised. Equality was not shown whatsoever.
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