Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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@Fiesty after you told me to unalive youve got no right to laugh


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Mar 3, 2024
South Wales UK
Fiesty, please don't try and deflect from what wrong doings you yourself have done.
You are not perfect.
You 100% do not behave like any capable parent should behave.
What I can't stand is when people can't take accountability for the s they have done in the past - don't your I'm the victim act is not going to wash with people.
Take accountability and stop typing on a forum that your so clearly trying to get some attention from or persuade people that your not this bad person, if you have to persuade people that your not a bad person, it normally means you are.
You know darling. Maybe you should practice what you preach 😏
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Nov 10, 2023
Not long got home. Sorry Feisty. I wasn't here to support you. What's happened is absolutely disgusting. I knew Tam was bad but I didn't realise how bad.
Tam you have 2 beautiful children yourself, how would you like it if their photo was put on here? And if all of your court cases were put on here? You pretend to be spiritual but no way on earth that's true because you are way too evil so it's actually satanic darling, not spiritual. Get it right. And Kels, it's not just ANY steak darling, it's the best M&S fillet. 😋 hahaha.
Look its no big deal that hubby & I eat at Miller & Carter most weekends. We just like the place, we know the manager & the food is pretty decent. So why does that bother you so much? Don't deny it. It's all recorded darling. I've only ever put 1 photo on my tiktok of it but it certainly pissed you off. Wow, jealous much LittleMissUnstableMabel
Come visit me & I'll treat you to a steak at Miller & Carter.
Now why don't you just get the do over Feisty & get on with your own lives. We only talk about you when you've spoken about us! Grow up. I'm literally bored 😴 s less now.
Oh do off
Mar 13, 2024
Not me

I pity her. Her genetics are so messed up she doesn't know Arthur from Martha
i don't need a beast like you to feel sorry for me ya fing Wrongun

i don't abuse kids unlike you. if you don't like being exposed then keep your mouth shut

you can mock my trauma all you want i think I've proven it will not silence me

i have real friends ya fing melt, unlike you since your friend Lisa has been singing like a cannery to Sam :ROFLMAO:
Feb 29, 2024
i don't need a beast like you to feel sorry for me ya fing Wrongun

i don't abuse kids unlike you. if you don't like being exposed then keep your mouth shut

you can mock my trauma all you want i think I've proven it will not silence me

i have real friends ya fing melt, unlike you since your friend Lisa has been singing like a cannery to Sam :ROFLMAO:
The only beast here is you allowing this happing tonight
Mar 15, 2024
This UnstableTumor really think all of us in here like her because a few pic are made!
I'd like to actually see how many like

I don't want your sympathy
But some help to make sure no more kids get Thier s scared about would be a good start.

Because this one man band can't do it all.

And actually kinda is some of my baggage in there. But my therapist can deal with that one
Like I said, I have no involvement in what gets put out.

I may not agree with what happened tonight, but it is NOT my duty to protect YOUR kids, that is YOUR duty.

I protect my own children, that I have given birth too.

If what had happened tonight, had happened to my children, I wouldn't have jumped straight on a tiktok live, I would have gone down the correct route to report this.

By jumping on a tiktok live straight after YOUR kids trauma we're read out, I mean what was that for? Attention? Validation? Gloating?

Why are we living in this world, where if something bad happens to our own flesh and blood our first point of call is to fire up some bloody tiktok live, that is NOT protecting your children, that is adding more fuel to the fire that is already burning!
Feb 29, 2024
Like I said, I have no involvement in what gets put out.

I may not agree with what happened tonight, but it is NOT my duty to protect YOUR kids, that is YOUR duty.

I protect my own children, that I have given birth too.

If what had happened tonight, had happened to my children, I wouldn't have jumped straight on a tiktok live, I would have gone down the correct route to report this.

By jumping on a tiktok live straight after YOUR kids trauma we're read out, I mean what was that for? Attention? Validation? Gloating?

Why are we living in this world, where if something bad happens to our own flesh and blood our first point of call is to fire up some bloody tiktok live, that is NOT protecting your children, that is adding more fuel to the fire that is already burning!
Fair comment
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Mar 12, 2024
i don't need a beast like you to feel sorry for me ya fing Wrongun

i don't abuse kids unlike you. if you don't like being exposed then keep your mouth shut

you can mock my trauma all you want i think I've proven it will not silence me

i have real friends ya fing melt, unlike you since your friend Lisa has been singing like a cannery to Sam :ROFLMAO:
Ahhh see we knew this and we're feeding Sam bull to spread back.

And you abused kids tonight. Angie was right the cycle didn't stop with you. Don't engage with me talking about or too me is classed as harassment. Kindly go along with your day after pouring over confidential stolen paperwork.

You have no right.

If it was your papers how would you feel! Don't answer I want you to not talk to me or about me. Anymore.

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Feb 29, 2024
I don't know the story about this Fiesty but I know what Tam, Mazza and that Mabel did on the live was disgusting. I screen recorded some of it but caught the pic of the kids. For so called women who are passionate about protecting children, they've just massively failed. Dirty fs.
I don’t like tam tbh but I think her showing the picture of the kids was a mistake becuse she was scrolling through screenshots…. although I do think it’s weird she has a picture of someone’s kids on her phone! But this isn’t mables fault! She didn’t know the picture would be shown! But I do think feisty should be outed for what she’s done!…. At the same time tam should be outted for her bribing pedos!
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