Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Mar 3, 2024
South Wales UK
Go join you’re bestie in the bin
How old are you darling? This behavior is of a primary school age 😒
Mar 13, 2024
You were addicted to either coke or heroine. Do you forget telling us? 😕 You said you were clean now. Tut tut tut.
are you sure you have taken your meds?
i never said that at all.....never ever taken heroine in my life, when i was like 17 i tried coke once when my friends and i where drunk but that's it never touched it since then :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

you really thought you did something there didn't you :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

i grew up in a household full of junkies i will never be anything like them :ROFLMAO:
Mar 2, 2024
Can We ALL STOP Getting on at mabel & maz about who they may speak to or not.
THIS PAIR Have actaully got morals & are standing up to the wrong uns on the App.
We can't sit here dictating who anyone may or may not speak to, if they are choosing to use their platforms for good!!
Mabel & Mazza & Co have jumped up to call out Angie & others based on what's been put out on tiktok & here. Give them a little RESPECT FFS INSTEAD of questioning every dam move.
We might be trolls here but that's for banter, we don't wanna come across as bully's or dictators. Most of us here have Morals & will voice the right opinion BUT let's just stop getting on at this lots & focus on the actaul wrong uns themselves..

I like mabel & co but i don't want it to come across as we are stiring the pot and trying to cause a divide. They do there own thing & you can either support them or not.
It's really not hard.
I ain’t said s. Why we all getting told off 😭 fing hell 99.9% know where Mabel and Mazza stand
Mar 2, 2024
are fing for real?

telling someone to kill themselves

you are a vile little t wonder how your daughter would feel that her fing mother is telling people to kill themselves.
I’m ignoring the decrepit nonce enabler but would you mind passing on a message? Can you tell her I’d happily jaw her and take the time for it but given what she looks like I’d probably be doing her a favour xoxo
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