Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Mar 2, 2024
Zia's Basement
Just found Sheryl’s bike

Feb 29, 2024
Hahaha she's best friends with tam. She picks and chooses who she exposes. Mazza was sitting with plm has she mentioned that? She does everything for the views trying to get a platform.
Viewers speak volumes. She only gwt views talking about pedlos. Fact. Of course the trolls like yourself will like her. Says it all really


Patty B

Feb 28, 2024
Walford London
Sorry for my tantrum earlier guyssss.

All this pedo chat is exhausting. Everyone seems to have energy and outrage for plm who have done sick stuff online but nobody seemed to be bothered with Angie saying she had a video of someone essentially snogging their child. It's just all getting too disgusting and not funny anymore.
I was sick of hearing it so I fed off away from here for the day. I’m not even reading to catch up
Mar 3, 2024
South Wales UK
Not being funny but a lot of people love kels so don't know what your on about tbh...... chatting pure waffle with the " before you end up the most hated" love! She has a voice for herself and others who cant have a voice, she's helped so many people on this app! What has feisty ever done for anyone but herself??? Nothing is the honest answer but bring her greasy, dirty, dusty, musty, crusty self on the app to lie and be a complete douche! Which is no help to anyone except their sleep demons and I have heard on the app that not even they want anything to do with that fing slug!!
Why the do did you raggedy fs even bring Feisty's name to this thread???? Can you not fing read 😒
Now do off. BTW, are you body shaming Masekeen because she is overweight?? Tut tut tut.
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