Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Mar 16, 2024
I can see from the situation tonight that the mother-daughter relationship between Angie and Sheila is very toxic. I don‘t know the whole situation but what I can gather from this is that Sheila worked hard to provide for Angie, but it was always taken for granted. I’m assuming something happened during Angie’s pregnancy that changed Sheila, probably because Angie cheated and carried someone else’s baby without telling her partner, and that altered Sheila‘s perception of her. Then once her child was taken away, the trauma overwhelmed her, which in turn caused her to turn to alcohol. I think it then became a downslide of drunken messes and situations that bought both Angie and her mum down. It’s almost like the alcohol erased Angie’s memory and replaced parts of it with her own imagination, which caused this tension. I can see why Sheila is tired, having to take care of your 50 year old daughter drinking herself to death must take a toll, which causes a sudden snap, as evidenced by tonight’s events. Angie clearly has a grudge against Sheila, and vice versa. I personally think Angie does need rehab, for her own good. She could go into rehab, focus on cleansing herself, and then she could prove that she is stable enough to (again I don’t know the whole story) fight for her child. I feel bad for both parties in this situation, but let’s be honest - it was only a matter of time until someone threw in the towel and thought enough is enough. I hope Angie does want to change her life around, because nobody deserves to live their life in regret and guilt. I just hope Angie wakes up and realises this before it’s too late.
Ummm, I know you're new, but we don't read essays in here just so you know 😉
Mar 15, 2024
Okay... a little bit of topic but it's finally clicked who Angie reminds me off...
Nov 10, 2023
So is this story that

Angie was dating a black man called Jason
She got pregant but it was with an Asian man

So when the baby was born it would be part Asian, but her partner was black?

Or did I hear it all wrong? Because I feel like Angie could be twisting this. But also Sheila is a racist t anyway. Doesn’t matter she’s dating an Asian man herself, she’s still a racist old tart.
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