Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Oct 29, 2023
San Francisco
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Ricksta made the error by knocking on Sheila's door as angie couldn't find her keys and come face to face with Sheila..

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Ricksta ran, and never looked back until he was safely in his hotel room, a few people from comment cafe think he is now on cloud 9 after taking angies diazaprams.

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I feel like Sheila will snap tonight and either end her life, or angies life. She has spilt alot of tea tonight, like angie cheating on Jason and getting pregnant with another man's kid and all sorts...

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Let's not forget about angies wig, it went missing at some point during the night, and is nowhere to be seen.

And much, much, much more.
This is epic 🤣


Dec 21, 2023
Doctors hate prescribing them as they are addictive. I was having severe panic attacks and went into crisis. GP prescribed 14 days worth, and told me to come back if I start getting addicted to them so he could ween me off it! Thankfully I was alright and only needed them in the moment of crisis so didn’t finish the pack! Anyhoo, was the best week of my life too. Had no fs to give and felt like I was wrapped in cotton wool 🤣

And then when I slipped a disc in my back I had codeine 😎

We’ll have all the drugs in here 🤣
My doctor had me on them for 3 months before he told me they weren't long term and I had to stop. I cried..... so much... 🤣🤣🤣
Feb 28, 2024
Comment Cafe HQ
Angie got so drunk she accused Ricksta of trying to kidnap her and hold her hostage. He had to get in the Uber to take her home, she couldn't find her keys so he chapped Sheila up. Sheila went mad, said she's had the police round today. Got her upstairs and just started verbally abusing her. Sheila called 999 and lied and said Angie was unresponsive. They've spilled family secrets, angies getting chucked out. Sheila will buy her a house thats not in London but anywhere else 😂
Not forgetting her shouting BUBALUSHHHAAAAAAAHHHHHH! Whilst the Uber guy and Ricksta where taking her to the cab!
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