Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Oct 24, 2023
My claws are under your skin
I’m belly laughing alone in bed because she really did play dead and then Sheila called an ambulance helping Angie play dead even further “yes mr operator, she’s really unresponsive…. Noooo, that’s not her talking, that’s the cat”
When she was shouting from the hall Angie wake up please Angie wake up and Angie was just sitting fully awake 😭😭😭😭
Shes probably salty because of all the effort she went through just to be rejected by pricksta 😂
It’s been a while since her last shave during clappergate, I’m sure it took a lot of effort 😂😂
Oct 24, 2023
My claws are under your skin
If Angie don’t want Sheila, I’ll take her cause that was a classic. I dunno how my night could get any better after that 😂😂😂😂
She's got away with telling 999 her daughter was very unresponsive wouldn't wake up then stormed in the room saying WHY ARE THE POLICE AND AMBULANCE COMING?! *light off, storms out* *light on, storms back in* I WOUDLNT EVEN WASTE A 999 CALL ON YOU WELL WELL I DID BUT IV TOLD THEM NOT TO BOTHER YOU DONT DESERVE HELP *light off, storms out* 😭😭 that's the best part for me
Feb 28, 2024
Goodnight everyone - my favourite moments of the night:

Sheila mumbling at Angie when they went inside “was that false tan? It looked like false tan or has he been away somewhere?” About ricksta

Angie accusing her mother of forcing her to abort a wanted child and then in the next sentence “can you turn the light on please” as her mother walked out
Feb 29, 2024
Sheryl the psycho finally gets in the box after an hour of begging. Tells Ang she looks ‘shattered’ and calls her sweetheart in the most creepy fing way possible. The woman is unhinged. Angie isn’t her first victim, she’s been around the block a few times. Casually calling pricksta ‘Rick’ as a flex.
t off Sheryl. Angie hates your guts not a single person on this earth wants what you’re shovelling.
Feb 29, 2024
Goodnight everyone - my favourite moments of the night:

Sheila mumbling at Angie when they went inside “was that false tan? It looked like false tan or has he been away somewhere?” About ricksta

Angie accusing her mother of forcing her to abort a wanted child and then in the next sentence “can you turn the light on please” as her mother walked out
I can’t argue with this 🤣🤣🤣

Absolute belters, both of them.
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