Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Feb 29, 2024
Lego head ricksta
Mar 15, 2024
I must say it's so comical to listen to angie say people around her constantly do this out of jealously of angie.
Angie is a 48 year old woman, with a failing liver because she's a drunk. She's a sociopath, manipulative little liar. She still lives with her elderly mother. She has absolutely no aspirations or goals for her life. She has achieved absolutely nothing, when Angie is on her death bed she will be led there leaving absolutely NOTHING behind but empty wine bottles and puke stained bedding. The one thing angie has done right in her life, is have two abortions, because those two potential babies were saved from having Angie as a potential mother - so angie when you say people are jealous of you, look at your life.... there isn't anything to be jealous about. You stay living in your box room that stinks of BO, fags, piss and vomit streaming on tiktok allowing everyone else to also view this absolute waste of a life you are living. You really are done out here Angie, you have reached the rich age of 48 being absolutely nothing but an oxygen thief. 👏
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