Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Feb 29, 2024
do knows last time he was in here he was talking about himself in third person the weird t! 🤣 then he got called out for being bazza and the account hasn’t commented since 🤣
🤣🤣🤣 well there you go. I’m not him, but whatever I’ll certainly keep commenting anyway. This is a good place to catch up with it all without having to watch the dumpster fire 🔥


Mar 5, 2024
oh my GOD! i had no idea it was that much. I didnt see your comment, i just posted in her thread cos i also cant believe it. 'gang of losers' ahaha. What is she upset about though - surely these morons can send the money any time they like? so basically she received her money throughout the weekend but someone else got theirs last minute?
Even if she is unreasonably upset, she could at least keep that to herself and not make all the vulnerabe people that gave their money from feeling bad with her. some of the comments i saw last night were beside themselves.
Most of the fers gifting her, are probably gifting her using the recycled gifts she has sent them.

It's a seeding scam. Busker opens his case and puts their own money in so people walking past are drawn in, humans being low level operating systems, are more likely to 'tip' success and not product. It's crazy s.

She's probably pissed off the 'win' to draw new money in, was shat on and her seed money was fed up by the dicks in her gifting ring
Feb 29, 2024
Why are you telling me to calm down? 🤣 I didn’t realise you were the only one allowed to throw round accusations… 🤣 and yea I’ll go in on whoever I think is a massive t! Bazza being one of them he’s not special though I hate a lot of people 🤣
Jesus Christ, who is throwing accusations around ?? Actually you can stop acting like a fing hard t you fing cringelord. I don’t give a do about Bazza or any of the other pricks I’m here for a bit of banter and you wet yourself coz I made a comment. fing get a grip you Wally.


Let's be honest elpha is not doin herself any favours by acting the way she does
I can't stand elpha or the things they've said or done, but Miss Dreads lives are based on elpha or cla on a daily basis because she has personal beef with them both. If that was my 20 year old kid then I'd be coming for her. But thats why Dread does it because she knows Elpha has no one to defend her, not even her own crack head of a mother gives a s. Its a s show, not the fyp show.
Mar 17, 2024
the void
Bigger cult than delusionals. Everyone's entitled to an opinion as long as its the same as hers.
45 mins in and all she's spoke about is everyone who has an issue with her. Can they all be wrong?
the fact she asked people to put yes or no in the chat if they believed she was a bully and then actually got her mods to go back and block everyone that dared to type yes 😂
Mar 15, 2024
Jesus Christ, who is throwing accusations around ?? Actually you can stop acting like a fing hard t you fing cringelord. I don’t give a do about Bazza or any of the other pricks I’m here for a bit of banter and you wet yourself coz I made a comment. fing get a grip you Wally.
I mean, you kinda assumed they had a personal vendetta against someone, but it was just an opinion, like we are all entitled to give. Having an opinion, doesn't mean its a personal vendetta 😂 your bantz is s huns

Mrs f

Mar 9, 2024
I can't stand elpha or the things they've said or done, but Miss Dreads lives are based on elpha or cla on a daily basis because she has personal beef with both of them. If that was my 20 year old kid then I'd be coming for her. But thats why Dread does it because she knows Elpha has no one to defend her, not even her own crack head of a mother. Its a s show, not the fyp show.
Oh yeah I get that eq the same but she's giving her the excuse to use her for there views
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