Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Mar 8, 2024
Morning all
This is a bit of a long one..I ain't a fence sitter. Splinters are just as bad as hemorrhoids.
The s that kicked off with MB, I've sat back and observed before having an opinion.. Now here's my opinion.
If I have an issue with someone I take that issue directly to that person. I don't do it via phone call or behind a screen and I definitely don't need to round up a s load of people to side with me or to fight my battles.
What I've witnessed the last couple of days, is pack mentality and its so fed up, what pisses me off even more is some of YOU I actually liked yet you've lowered yourself down to involve yourselves in s that wasn't even your s to deal with. You've all ganged up on someone based on someone else's issues... When the tables are turned and it happenes to you, I for one definitely won't be defending your arse.
As for calling the plod and insinuating someone is a bad parent because they lost their s when their kids were in the OFF TAM!! you of all people have no room to talk. You're constantly running your fing mouth, threatening people under the same roof as your kids, Then you come on live bubbling like a kid that's dropped their ice cream at an amusement park. You're weak as do and you have nothing about you apart from a gob as big as the channel tunnel.
You're all a bunch of hypocrites, let's hope it's not you that's on the receiving end of a bunch of mean girls.
For those of you that refused to take side's and stayed out of it.. FAIR PLAY!!
I stayed out of it. Was all too much from all angles. Hope you have a good day 😊
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No More Guff

Feb 28, 2024
Morning wow I have a big catchup.

Quickly though.

Is this Dave the rave who Tony went to see?

I’ll delete if it’s not him but his names Dave and he looks so familiar

No dave in angies is a different dave
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Feb 28, 2024
Morning wow I have a big catchup.

Quickly though.

Is this Dave the rave who Tony went to see?

I’ll delete if it’s not him but his names Dave and he looks so familiar

I came across him the other day and he had young children in his live and I said why you having children in your chat and he said do I
So I asked why is your live not set to over 18 and he blocked me
Mar 1, 2024
Coronation Street
Urhhhh can't think if anything worse than box battles. Loads of begs in 1 live, then trying to make it so it seems thr more you gift the more chance you have to win a prize... whoooo how lucky are these unfortunate fools. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
That's basically it, the highest gifter to the begs in the box are gonna win an xbox which is then putting pressure on the ones at home to gift. It's promoting gambling (Well in my eyes anyway) as now they'll be gifting to win something.
The term "I don't no what smoke I have/got" is disgusting! They might as well say "I don't no if anyone at home has any money for me as their all poor fs and they best be sending me something"
Mar 13, 2024
Mar 8, 2024
Yay. “Big” creators in a box battle fleecing more from vulnerable people. Sounds great.
It's lovely how they seperate those "smaller creators" from the "big" everyone is the same, just those pricks think they can dominant tiktok and make others feel small. All fixed as do. Already clear will be in there gifting, so whoever his favourite is on the night that person will win. More diamonds Jack makes the more tiktok pay him, that's why he said, he is giving the money he makes out evenly. Wake up. Spend your money how you like, don't throw it at them morons.
Mar 13, 2024
That's basically it, the highest gifter to the begs in the box are gonna win an xbox which is then putting pressure on the ones at home to gift. It's promoting gambling (Well in my eyes anyway) as now they'll be gifting to win something.
The term "I don't no what smoke I have/got" is disgusting! They might as well say "I don't no if anyone at home has any money for me as their all poor fs and they best be sending me something"

Totally agree.
I hate it when they say s like what smoke do we have.
Come on guys don't leave it to the 1 person to snipe.
And even just some1 snipe that cone on we are a team let's do this....ITS ALL CRAP.


Mar 3, 2024
That's basically it, the highest gifter to the begs in the box are gonna win an xbox which is then putting pressure on the ones at home to gift. It's promoting gambling (Well in my eyes anyway) as now they'll be gifting to win something.
The term "I don't no what smoke I have/got" is disgusting! They might as well say "I don't no if anyone at home has any money for me as their all poor fs and they best be sending me something"
It's the MVP "bigging up" I can't cope with. A lot of these gifters want to feel a part of something and they crave recognition, now on top of that they have the chat going yay MVP and they get more followers because they are a gifter. This is how so many gifters get into financial troubles. Yes it their decision to gift but the manipulation on their vulnerability is pure evil.
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