Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Mar 7, 2024
I'm aware people aren't fans of paragraphs here, but I need to rant.

I'm sorry, but does everyone on TT have their heads screwed in backwards?
Yes, it's easy to just swipe off and watch a different live, but why on earth are we glorifying this in front of younger audiences?
We have an app that is aimed at younger audiences, and they have to witness creators get blackout drunk, SH, verbally abuse people...
Do they not think about this? What if their kids came up to them and said "Mum, I found someone on TikTok who's cutting their arm on live", what the
do are we meant to respond with? "Oh, that's social media. If you're triggered, get off."
Like, seriously, give your heads a wobble! If this is the way our world is headed, then I hope we're wiped out by another asteroid, because I fear for my future children's safety online. Sick, sick bastards...
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