Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Feb 13, 2024
Ok Lynz ?! I mean there’s a drink and there’s Mad Hatter


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Oct 29, 2023
San Francisco
Right is it just me or does that whole police situation seem strange as do.
They turn up at her door to say they are here because she has been giving out information on tiktok about miss jones. When she asked who that was they said we have just been told to call her miss jones. They then go on to say that they don’t know if she has or hasn’t said/done what’s been alleged, but they still come out anyway. They told her Hampshire police are dealing with it but have her no details, I’ve dealt with the police enough times in my life to know they should have provided her with the details of the investigating officer, the exact details of the reported crime - what’s she done, when she done it ect and they should have provided her with the crime reference number.
They can’t just turn up and say we don’t know if you have or haven’t done what’s been accused but you need to stop.
The math is not mathing for me 🤔🤔🤔
I’ve experienced this before, it’s because it’s a victim led crime and so minimal details are given. At this stage it’s a warning and so no paperwork so to speak. That was my experience when I was the “victim” in a harassment case that involved two police stations but I suppose different stations could handle it differently?
Oct 29, 2023
San Francisco
Yes but even if it is a caution you still have to be read your Miranda rights otherwise the caution is null and void. Also Hampshire police would still need the met to provide her with basic information, such as the factual details of the crime, not well we don’t know if you have or haven’t, investigating officer, crime reference ect otherwise they open themselves up to harassment cases with the IOPC. I know cos I’ve taken Cheshire police to IOPC for harassment & won.
I think the whole thing is one big set up to deflect from the last couple of days.
Angie is known to be a fing liar and I don’t believe this situation one bit. It’s funny how s happens whenever she needs to deflect away from her own sty behaviour.
It’s not quite a caution luv, it’s the verbal warning before a caution, if things should carry on.
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