Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Jul 15, 2023
Wet Wang
I've done a google search on the subject as I was curious to see if any one could articulate it better than what I could. An article that i found here seemed to. This paragraph especially

"That one time you got called a name you didn't like wasn't right; it was also not a reflection of your everyday life.

A tweet about white people not using enough seasonings in their food won't affect how you get treated during a trip to the grocery store.

However, jokes about black women having attitudes do lend to them being discriminated against and physically violated in schools and the workplace.

Stereotypes about black men being violent thugs do translate into them being physically assaulted or killed.

Every experience that black people have — from going to school to driving to seeking housing — is affected by racism.

The buzz phrase "white privilege" simply calls out the fact that daily experiences with racism are not a white person's reality"

Angie banging on about minorities being racist towards white people is grating on me. I know you read here angie so read the above.
Mar 2, 2024
Zia's Basement
Oh do off DG Dickhead you lanky streak of piss

postman pat GIF
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