Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Apr 17, 2023
I’ve tried looking on google for graphics to post to TikTok that explain white privilege for dummies, basically. I haven’t found anything I think will work. Does anyone have anything? Or if anyone is clever at explaining things and wants to give me words I can make a graphic?
White privilege doesn’t mean your life hasn’t been hard, your skin colour isn’t one of the things making it harder
Oct 24, 2023
My claws are under your skin
Hann is a class act, she’s got the patience of a saint, I’d tell him and his eyebrows to do off ✌️
I genuinely don't like her. She always encourages debates like this for other people to talk about waits until it goes south then jumps in as a savior. She enjoys the drama.
Feb 29, 2024
Waffle waffle
This entire situation is going in circles.
Yes, Pearl did wrong, she shouldn't have said what she said.
In Pearl's defence, she has said it to people before. I think this situation was more of a wrong place, wrong time kind of thing.
I can't count how many times she's apologized for this.
There's no justifying it, there are no excuses for it, there are only lessons to be learnt.
If Pearl is willing to be educated, and learn something from this incident, then what more can we do?
I honestly don't know what people expect out of this besides accountability.
She's been publicized for this for days now. Can't we learn to tie up loose ends and put it to bed?
This world is so vast, and our lives are so short. There are more significant things going on in the world than she said, he said.
I don't think she has said it to a black person before, whether she uses the term everyday, which I think is bullshit, the vids were edited unless proved otherwise. Pearls apology was bullshit, dread has never owned her posts, alex hasn't owned what he has done. same as Mt and angie. Their all racist fs why should it be swept under the rug and be forgotten


Mar 5, 2024
I’m going to out myself a little here, I feel forced to and I understand if you feel a certain way about it and have questions. It’s going to be a little long and I’m sorry for that but I feel it’s needed as I’m being accused of something I would never be involved in.

Trigger warning ⚠️

I get “soft spots” for people that are usually triggered by something they’ve been through, that I can relate to (always trauma based). This also happens with TikTok creators. Take Angela for example, I had a soft spot for her but she eventually killed it, leaving me able to critique and call out her behaviour.

I also have a soft spot for Miss Red and Pearl. Pearl’s soft spot has taken a big hit after the last several days and so it’s enabled me to be more level headed and critique her behaviour.

After Red’s FB screenshots came out last year, I believed that she was hacked due to an ex dv partner (the reason the soft spot was created). This is why you won’t find any post of mine heavily critiquing her, because I struggle to get past the soft spot. I’m not sure if I’m explaining this properly but it’s based in my own traumas, that I connect to other people’s experiences (para-social relationships be real af).

Finally, I struggle with SH (in recovery) and so I would never do anything to push someone to a level that could risk that for them.

Feeling a bit vulnerable but of course not trauma dumping and sticking to relevant information to defend myself. That’s why I could never expose/dox anyone, as well as my own internal morals/principles.

As an aside, my soft spots don’t stop me seeing bad behaviour or bad character. I also don’t let my soft spots interfere with others thoughts/feelings, I simply chose not to engage.
If you've done nothing to be ashamed of, don't feel shame. Don't take on the shame of others actions because you're in the same space. Don't have shame forced on you because people can't deal with their own shame.


Tok tok is an entertainment platform, the live creators have ALL the power. Power, responsibility, accountability. Holding the powerful to account, shouldn't be avoided because it's uncomfortable for them.


Feb 13, 2024
I’ve tried looking on google for graphics to post to TikTok that explain white privilege for dummies, basically. I haven’t found anything I think will work. Does anyone have anything? Or if anyone is clever at explaining things and wants to give me words I can make a graphic?


  • CC220B69-0FEA-4B47-A1A9-EA613DDC5A09.jpeg
    208.5 KB · Views: 42

I'm grand

Mar 7, 2024
I missed yesterday. I tried to catch up last night but kept dozing off.
What's Angie's beef with Ms red?
And what's going on with Clare bear and her crew? Last I checked in there, some woman had ripped them off with a story about her kids being sick and tam was getting people looking for refunds from her PayPal and she was having a fit!
Btw, some of you came up as a suggestion for me on TT so I've followed ye 😘


Feb 28, 2024
Spying in your lives on my real account
Was just doing that and sorting all mods out but I can’t see where to kick it is that when I’m live that can be done ?
Yes when your live you can turn off co host by clicking on the +host and turn off the cohost options. When someone requests you can decline but if you end up accepting to remove them go to the co host button and disconnect on their name. But if you turn it off the minute you go live then it’s just easier. The guest option is for the boxes this is what you can give your mods powers to control so you will always have us to remove people from the box if you can’t 🤎


Apr 5, 2024
do you tony I’m still carrying on with all the videos and I’m still putting them all together on YouTube. You’re a narcissist. You only care about yourself you don’t give a s about victims on the app. It’s all money clout views and follows for you.
I’m sick at seeing how little respect you give women on the app vs how you treat men.

Get to absolute do mate.
Oct 24, 2023
My claws are under your skin
I’ve tried looking on google for graphics to post to TikTok that explain white privilege for dummies, basically. I haven’t found anything I think will work. Does anyone have anything? Or if anyone is clever at explaining things and wants to give me words I can make a graphic?
Something along the lines of white privileged doesn't mean you're judged because of skin colour. You aren't judged immediately because of your appearance. You might be judged once you've spoke or on how you act etc but you don't get judged immediately.
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