Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Mar 8, 2024
Cleverly done
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Nolan 🎵

Mar 2, 2024
What are some of these people not getting , a lot of people have moved past what Pearl said , people are angry still about it but they're also angry at how it has been handled. You've had 5 days to try and be the bigger person/people but you just keep going in circles because you can't drop it , Pearl / Tony , you're the ones who keep bringing it up , you're the reason that whole thing is still going , you can't admit you were wrong , you can't hold your hands up and offer a proper sincere apology , the more you fire up lives and fing flip flop the more things won't change , I don't believe for a second either of you are even aware of how much upset and anger you've BOTH caused!


Mar 7, 2024
I don't think she has said it to a black person before, whether she uses the term everyday, which I think is bullshit, the vids were edited unless proved otherwise. Pearls apology was bullshit, dread has never owned her posts, alex hasn't owned what he has done. same as Mt and angie. Their all racist fs why should it be swept under the rug and be forgotten
I think you've misunderstood me, I didn't mean sweep the whole incident under the carpet.
Of course this incident needs to be dealt with, but the question remains: what does Pearl need to do in order for this to be resolved?
There is no answer, because it'll never be resolved.
No matter how many times she apologizes, no matter how many times she takes accountability, it'll never be sorted.
People are going to leech onto this and use it for their own personal gain. This isn't about the word, let's be honest, because if it was, this still wouldn't be talked about like it happened that very same day.
It's repetition on this app. Until people stop talking about it and giving people the clout they can squeeze out of this, this will never be over.
Yes, Pearl did wrong. We all know that. Anyone who thinks otherwise must be blind. But my point is what people want out of this?
Do they want her to take her life? Do they want her off the app? Do they want her in prison? The answer is unclear.


Mar 5, 2024
What are some of these people not getting , a lot of people have moved past what Pearl said , people are angry still about it but they're also angry at how it has been handled. You've had 5 days to try and be the bigger person/people but you just keep going in circles because you can't drop it , Pearl / Tony , you're the ones who keep bringing it up , you're the reason that whole thing is still going , you can't admit you were wrong , you can't hold your hands up and offer a proper sincere apology , the more you fire up lives and fing flip flop the more things won't change , I don't believe for a second either of you are even aware of how much upset and anger you've BOTH caused!
It's not the crime, its the cover up that gets them.
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