Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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I’m starting to think the same you know
I didn't actually think it at the start I just thought she was extremely questionable but I can't find any other reason she acts like this. She was describing her stings as comedic πŸ™„ pedos aren't funny.


Mar 5, 2024
Everyone else is guilty of SA or doxxing, she's the slimmest prettiest most educated woman - even Naomi Campbell has joined the 3letters just because she's worried Betty big back will take her spot. She's little, we're big, she's right - we're wrong, she's dumb and we're clever, and there's nothing we can do about that.
We're at a loss guys, she's completely unbothered by negative opinions, and she's at the gym every second day getting ready for the olympics and finishing her phd (pretty huge dinner)
So unbotherd she called (didn't happen) the police to report rhino related hate crimes?
catherine tate comedy GIF
Nov 10, 2023
So Michelle just said the person who sent her the info tried to put the info out in a video and it got taken down. It was that Nichola if I remember right wasn’t it?
Feb 28, 2024
Your mum
I didn't actually think it at the start I just thought she was extremely questionable but I can't find any other reason she acts like this. She was describing her stings as comedic πŸ™„ pedos aren't funny.
Something doesn’t sit right and I can’t put my finger on it
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