Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Mar 5, 2024
When did BadGyalSqueak openly admit to being the crappy three letter word group as Pearl just said she has by the way? Did I miss that?
She was in that group wen it 1st started she left wen things got bad she sed it was a group for trolling or something then wrong people join...she left.
And angie knew this and Julie was always in her box. Only became a problem for ang wen Julie called her out

Noah peel

Feb 24, 2024
Darkside of the moon
She's never denied it, I can't remember the story but she wasn't in tbe server she was just in A voice group chat I believe. And this was way b4 it turned south & she's never been part of/or done any of the doxing s plm are known for. I also believe she had left way b4 all that stuff was happening too.
I guess you can take that whichever way you please. But unless some1 shows me evidence of her doing anything wrong then I can't really judge her. And to be honest bad gal has always been good to me, I PERSONALY enjoy being in her lives. I know NOT everyone here agrees but we're all different & we all enjoy different things
Sorry but no, Yvonne can continue with this lie if she wants but this is far from accurate. Plm was always bad, there was always doxing and she was in there at the time that they went for magz hunter and splashed her grandkids around the app and in the discord.. Yvonne also got into magz box and said magz killed her own daughter with a hammer (this was what the group were saying about her) she only left because she was getting called out by Irish Kelly and blocked from lives so she couldn’t go anywhere
I’ve said all this many times but because of her innocent voice it gets overlooked but Yvonne is far from innocent

the facts

Mar 17, 2024
Mags Hunter was another Tam, constantly hanging around with pedophiles.

Her head of security murdered a baby and the other plonker was just a murderer. One of her decoys was a middle aged woman who fell in love with the pedophile she was decoying and warned him about the sting. these people were never dbs checked.

She was using profiles such as "Mags decoy" to gift faceless men on the app and vouch for them as good people and not beasts despite never meeting them. She was only every doxed because she used her hunting page to comment on her family's tiktoks and be tagged in them. Despite always preaching about locking down social medias!!

She was ran off the app in the end because of her game of cat and mouse with a pedophile called Caz who she befriended, she had visited him on a personal level and even enquired to buy a puppy off him. She was aware he had been buying a child gifts and her excuse was the child "looked older".

Her hunting group didn't just liquidate because she got doxed, two of the woman who ran it with her left and greated their own hunting group because she had made a mockery of the community by being involved with the links of plm and the rest. She would always go live an announce she had been in Snapchat calls with Kazzy and Lottie and a bunch of Scottish men.

Yvonne is nowhere near as and as Mags.

Oh and her friend was also live 2 weeks ago saying kazzy and Aki have been in jail for months for what they done to her and they aren't in jail are they?

Noah peel

Feb 24, 2024
Darkside of the moon
Mags Hunter was another Tam, constantly hanging around with pedophiles.

Her head of security murdered a baby and the other plonker was just a murderer. One of her decoys was a middle aged woman who fell in love with the pedophile she was decoying and warned him about the sting. these people were never dbs checked.

She was using profiles such as "Mags decoy" to gift faceless men on the app and vouch for them as good people and not beasts despite never meeting them. She was only every doxed because she used her hunting page to comment on her family's tiktoks and be tagged in them. Despite always preaching about locking down social medias!!

She was ran off the app in the end because of her game of cat and mouse with a pedophile called Caz who she befriended, she had visited him on a personal level and even enquired to buy a puppy off him. She was aware he had been buying a child gifts and her excuse was the child "looked older".

Her hunting group didn't just liquidate because she got doxed, two of the woman who ran it with her left and greated their own hunting group because she had made a mockery of the community by being involved with the links of plm and the rest. She would always go live an announce she had been in Snapchat calls with Kazzy and Lottie and a bunch of Scottish men.

Yvonne is nowhere near as and as Mags.

Oh and her friend was also live 2 weeks ago saying kazzy and Aki have been in jail for months for what they done to her and they aren't in jail are they?
Nobody gives a s about magz she’s a t so there’s no need for the lengthy rundown but Yvonne was in there and was involved
Nov 10, 2023
Good morning all! Also good morning Alex …so it’s more than 2 women who had winky pics then🤣🤣
I'm NOT planning on going no where now. I wanted to leave the other week as I was fed up of being dragged into the dame category as plm. But that's phased over for now.
But apart from. Few I do actually enjoy it here, I just gotta learn not yo take everything personally. Its a group full of trolls or people with opinions... I just enjoy the banter light hearted side to this..keeps my mind off everything else going on.
Which by tbe way im not lying about cancer. I shouldn't have posted it on here. But it's not a lie. I just vented to the wrong people whi h I should not of done . Next time I'll keep quiet lol
You know Alex was the first one to accuse us of all being PLM? That’s all I’ll say 👀

Nolan 🎵

Mar 2, 2024
Morning fers , well yesterday was eventful wasn't it ?

Just for context - I'd spoken with that snooper account on TT previously , but it was last week at some point when some poor sod had left their location on and I had no way of contacting them but they were a mutual friend and able to DM.
Apart from that , it was a lovely day weather wise and it's back to wind and rain again 😭
Mar 13, 2024
You liked the post where that tub person was mocking my mental health but I could see that you were going through the thread liking everything including my response to tub so I was winding you up, sorry I was asleep when you wrote this so that is why I didn't reply 🤦‍♀️😭🤣
Ohh I didn't read anything as mocking mental health .. I probably liked it for a different or Most likely i took it out of context not understanding what was said.
My apologies as that's not what I'm like.
You see even now,I miss read 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ I swear just Ingore me till I've had 3 more coffees 🤣😫😫
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