Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Feb 29, 2024
Cat Fun GIF by Black Roses Playing Cards
Frustrated Animation GIF by Mashed

No More Guff

Feb 28, 2024
I feel like they are doing to you what they are doing to me but it’s different…. They are making you out to be the good one, so people will turn against you and stop you making content for here and join them and the big creators!
With me they are trying to make out I’m some evil villain of comment cafe! (Which i hate to admit, but it’s getting to be abit because I haven’t done anything bad apart from accidently dox miss reds OLD address which is on Google, even though miss red has done the same thing! but apparently it’s ok when she does it… I also deleted the post!) but I feel like they are trying to turn people against me, making out I’m part of a troll group and saying I know miss red in real life! It’s all pathectic!

We all speak for ourselves and have our own opinions and we also sometimes work as a collective to raise awareness! It doesn’t mean any of us are nicer or nastier than each other! But it just proves weather you are nice or bad, they will still be talking about us! The more they talk about us the more followers we get and the more traffic to our content so who is the real winner?

Anyway im rambling but we all bring something different to the thread, and we are making a difference on tiktok! They are jealous that our name is in every creators mouth and more people on tiktok are opening their eyes to what’s going on! I think we just need to focus and keep doing what we are doing and ignore old Dogdick!

She doesn’t even use a profile with her face or name either so she’s basically a troll by her own description! 🤣🤣
I feel the same way as you. She thinks she knows who I am. But she doesn't. And I'm really not vile. I've not said anything vile, and I just comment and react.

They can't control what we say so they're trying to manipulate the narrative the only way they know how. Lying

Nolan 🎵

Mar 2, 2024
Dean was live a few weeks ago , him and EQ had a falling out and she said he should find a rope (or words to that degree , please don't quote precise words) but he doesn't seem to be in a good place , he went in to Reds box the following morning and had a break down , he's on the edge and has serious MH issues obviously , I don't feel tiktok live is the right place for him.
Feb 28, 2024
Good evening fellow fs - (slightly) topical TV recommendation:
“Murder case: The Digital Detectives” on channel 4. After our recent Martha gate and @RedRedWine forensic analysis of the data, im enjoying watching.
It’s not groundbreaking stuff technologically, but I really think it would be such a satisfying and interesting job.
Apr 2, 2024
Big gob Village
Dean was live a few weeks ago , him and EQ had a falling out and she said he should find a rope (or words to that degree , please don't quote precise words) but he doesn't seem to be in a good place , he went in to Reds box the following morning and had a break down , he's on the edge and has serious MH issues obviously , I don't feel tiktok live is the right place for him.
Now that’s out of order
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