Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Oct 29, 2023
San Francisco
You’re completely right, and i feel the exact same, and self harm is no joke.
This is certainly not something I would have been doing as I have used it as a coping mechanism in the past, and I know how triggering it actually is.

When you have an addiction like that, it can urge you to do things, just the same as someone drinking can trigger an alcoholic.

If she cared enough for her supporters, she would hide it if she genuinely was doing things like that.
As much as what she is doing right now is disgusting, she clearly has some kind of issue. The lengths this woman goes to for a bit of clout is unreal, even triggering people just for the point of gifts, sympathy.

You can’t help someone that doesn’t want it, but I urge everyone to stop watching if it triggers you in the slightest!

As intriguing as it is your mental health matters most ❤️
Ang isn’t addicted to SH, she’s addicted to alcohol. She’s also addicted to attention and validation and so uses SH as a means to get that by manipulation. That’s what makes it so insidious, it’s not a genuine loss of control or coping mechanism, it’s a tool to manipulate her audience.

I’m truly sorry you’ve struggled with SH also, I don’t speak on it often but I do too. This is why I’m harsh with her, you and I know the genuine cases. I have ALL the time in the world to help a genuine sufferer but not someone who uses a desperate coping technique to her own gain.

I agree in that she absolutely has issues and deserves help, I would never say otherwise. I just hope she walks through one of the many doors that’s been opened for her ❤️‍🩹
Mar 5, 2024
The M20
Is she tooting on a shisha pipe? 💀 💨

The other 4 needs to get out the boxes I need a full view.



Apr 18, 2024
The Moon
So she has EUPD and GAD, but not BPD. Why does she not just be honest and state what she’s diagnosed with. EUPD and GAD are still mental health disorders that are not nice to live with.
I fing hate a liar, even more so when it’s this type of lie
I'm sorry to correct you but EUPD (Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder) is an alternative name for BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) but is completely separate from Bipolar Disorder


Mar 1, 2024
Guys remember though, she did have a fall by her front door a bit earlier and mentioned something about the cat attacking her, might just be that. She’s clearly too pissed to even realise.. does anyone know where she might be? Call an ambulance or something to go and make sure it’s okay?
Looks like a scratch that's bled that's all she's to pist to notice (but then I have no knowledge of SH)


Feb 28, 2024
Zias basement
Ang isn’t addicted to SH, she’s addicted to alcohol. She’s also addicted to attention and validation and so uses SH as a means to get that by manipulation. That’s what makes it so insidious, it’s not a genuine loss of control or coping mechanism, it’s a tool to manipulate her audience.

I’m truly sorry you’ve struggled with SH also, I don’t speak on it often but I do too. This is why I’m harsh with her, you and I know the genuine cases. I have ALL the time in the world to help a genuine sufferer but not someone who uses a desperate coping technique to her own gain.

I agree in that she absolutely has issues and deserves help, I would never say otherwise. I just hope she walks through one of the many doors that’s been opened for her ❤️‍🩹
Honestly couldn’t have said it any better.
She definitely does have an addiction, but not to SH!
She uses the sh to hide the real addiction, which is, in my opinion, sympathy and attention.
As you said, people who really have suffered with it can recognise the genuine cases and this certainly isn’t one.
I don’t think she will get any better anytime soon because of tiktok, and everything that comes with it.

She’s clearly struggling, but not in the way she’s trying to depict🤦🏼‍♀️
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