Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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It's just a constant circle of people who are fing s people , awful people , people who don't deserve a platform.
The sad thing about the app is there's actually genuine people who would give their opinions and try and raise awareness about so many things, but unless you're after drama or a vile piece of s, you don't get the views.

CLAs Fish Pie

Apr 7, 2024
Somewhere only I Know
Took a break from Angies, entered Mad Hatters destructive live. Tt has ruined yet another relationship. Why do these people allow tt to consume their every thought, yes I know money, apparent fame to them, but when will they realise they lost everything for those pennies.

She's leaving tomorrow to go live in some random woman's bedroom miles away and taking her 20 year old son and cats.

This woman is a danger to herself or one brilliant actress.
Feb 29, 2024


Mar 7, 2024
Took a break from Angies, entered Mad Hatters destructive live. Tt has ruined yet another relationship. Why do these people allow tt to consume their every thought, yes I know money, apparent fame to them, but when will they realise they lost everything for those pennies.

She's leaving tomorrow to go live in some random woman's bedroom miles away and taking her 20 year old son and cats.

This woman is a danger to herself or one brilliant actress.
It’s her kid I feel sorry for. How old is he? He sounded teenage from a video I watched of him having a go at her yesterday


Mar 6, 2024
In my cauldron
I’m hiding behind a wall, with a tin hat on before I post this 😬

I kinda feel for cockerpoo. Ok yes she’s a meddling busy body etc. However, in her position last night, she did try to stop Pearl, did say I’m not having that and left. For me, trying to reason with an angry drunk is an absolute waste of time. I always run from angry drunks (hangover from years of DV), they aren’t reasonable etc.

I just think the sole focus, should be Pearl and her behaviour and blatant racism. She’s disgusting, and lumping everyone together dilutes her behaviour and shifts the focus a bit. It appears no one is publicly supporting her and are slamming her words (except maybe DG but he’s a racist as well).

My heart goes to all the people in the black community who have to constantly deal with this kind of bullshit and vile behaviour. I can’t say for one second I understand how it must feel, I’ve thankfully never faced racism. However I’m nearly same age as Pearl, from not to far from her area, and I choose to do better. My 80 odd year old parents regularly “check” can we say this or that, as they don’t want to offend, they want to do better. We can all do better xx


Same. I just can't. Imagine a platform as vile as Angie's with no credibility whatsoever leading this debate on race.
You've said it better than I did. I have major brain fog at the moment, so I'm not the best when it comes to voicing my opinions about certain subjects. I think I'll join the menopause mafia. 😭

Nolan 🎵

Mar 2, 2024
I really don't get Pearl at all. I'm a white male , I've never experienced anything like others have , not just on the App , on the streets , in real life. As a person with MORALS it's my DUTY to be a decent human being , not trying to hide behind words , things have changed since I was younger , we no longer say things we did years ago for a reason , WE LEARN. I might not have the same energy as others do within this fight , but it's my moral duty as a human being to be kind , be considerate and understand others!
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