Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Mar 17, 2024
Due to credit checks her only option is a private landlord? Really?

Most private landlords do credit checks (especially if using estate agents) so why can't she get a council property?

If homeless why hasn't she approached the local authority?

Sorry but something stinks about that gofundme account
The only reason the local authority would refuse to house her is if she earns or has too much money in savings 😉
She would also only be eligible for a 1 bed, if he son is of age and does not have any disabilities which requires her to be his carer.

I don’t buy the go fund me explanation!
Apr 2, 2024
Big gob Village
Thank you love ❤️ feel brilliant both mentally and physically, the hard work starts tomorrow gym, but self conscious and looking for a swimsuit/swim short sets for cover up, sounds daft on what you think other people will think
Well done! I actually don’t give a s what people think of how I look. I ain’t no super model but I’ll wear what I like for whatever I’m doing! Yes I’m a curvy woman and I wear a bikini 😱. if I could give you some of my overflowing confidence I would. Just get out there and live your life and 🖕🏻any negativity. Thing is, we think people are staring at us when they’re probably not x
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Apr 20, 2024
The only reason the local authority would refuse to house her is if she earns or has too much money in savings 😉
She would also only be eligible for a 1 bed, if he son is of age and does not have any disabilities which requires her to be his carer.

I don’t buy the go fund me explanation!
I still can't believe people are giver her money, when the videos of her behaviour for the past few weeks are freely available on tiktok
Apr 2, 2024
Big gob Village
Due to credit checks her only option is a private landlord? Really?

Most private landlords do credit checks (especially if using estate agents) so why can't she get a council property?

If homeless why hasn't she approached the local authority?

Sorry but something stinks about that gofundme account
Exactly, I was a civil servant for 15yrs. I thought she was going with Joseph to the housing last week? I heard EQ get ratty with someone who asked why she wasn’t getting rent paid by DWP and she’s shouted at her that things have to be processed first. £4000 for hotel rooms I imagine lot and lots f alcohol and 2’s
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Dec 21, 2023

Not sure how I feel about this
I've watched her for awhile and she is very manipulate when it come to money, she was at her boyfriends ex house one night (court assassin) and EQ send her 50 for a taxi home but she wanted to use it on drugs and drink so pretended that she couldn't see the comments telling her she had the money for a taxi... you could hear her whispering about ringing someone because the bint didn't know how to pause at the time. Anyways EQ went crazy over being scammed and poor AJ had to send it back to EQ.

Hatter is just a selfish pisshead. All she wants is her own hole to drink and tiktok and be paid for it.
Apr 2, 2024
Big gob Village
Well the reason Luke hasn’t been on is because of our very own @MissBaguette and the video she made of him. Because it was a Gary Glitter video and now thinks he’s seen as a pedo 🤦🏽‍♀️

Luke get a grip it was a song about being a gang ffs! Apparently his mental health isn’t good 🙄
Now what is it he calls us? Oh yeah he’s a snowflake
If the shoe fits…….
Mar 15, 2024
Tik tok
I thought her whole approach was off. If i was cockercunt and this woman thought I was who she is claiming and I wasn’t, I would do everything to communicate with her and put her straight. Instead she makes this statement in MT live. I think that cockercunt could very well be the person the woman is talking about.
What she said was very baiting, she is not stupid and if this woman does have a case against her, she knows that by talking about the case on tiktok it will jeopardise any collateral that she has against her. I think Canadian Angie was right to tell her not to do anything especially with her having a meeting on Tuesday.
☝️this, cocketpoos knows what she's doing, if lisa talks about her then she's breeched confidentiality of her case.
Until her case is resolved she shouldn't say anything. Cocketpoos "nice guy, voice of reason" image is falling rapidly. The very fact that she's everywhere, always, is worrisome if she has a "high up" job, what's she working as? Tiktok bodyguard?
Her voice makes me punchy!
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