To be a good liar Miss Red you have to have a good memory! You said in your own words last week that Bradley was silenced by the fyp cult!
She admitted she was made to silence Bradley! She's a fing disgrace!!Nope, you’re backtracking now. You said EQ battered Bradley, now you’re saying they’re both as bad as each other because people were outraged that you silenced a victim of DV.
With his spoonCan we just take a moment to appreciate the cuteness of CookncruisewithJon’s character, for today’s news
I'm 5ft 10 and a size 8When she said her simon is hench…. We’ve all seen him laying on that Tenerife bed with his beer belly out
I’m 63 an old bird but young at heart lol shushhhhI’m 34
I mentioned a couple of videos ago, about them silencing BradleySomeone needs to do a video of her saying she was silenced about Bradley and then her saying they was bad as each other!