Fiesty / aisha/ whatever else she calls herself.

Mar 12, 2024
Let's all reminisce on what fiesty did to nearly everyone she ever made friends with.
TheGaslighting, the abuse of others children, the abuse and neglect of her own children.

The abuse of poor maz and the ex wife, just like the no consent... whoopsie I mean no contact coach she is an abuser of the worst kind and does have non molestation orders against her. Whilst she cried and begged for help from all of us. The pictures of her house are absolutely vile. How dare you make comments about anyone else when you're nothing but a failure as a mother, Foster carer, a cheater of a wife and girlfriend. Infact the truth is you're so toxic your own mother doesn't want you isn't that right fiest... how you are able to keep the 2 children you have is beyond me. SOMEONE GET THOSE KIDS HELP


Mar 9, 2024
What I’d like to know is why is she such a liar? Has she always been this way? The people she’s hurt and been nasty to is unreal, she’s always calling people P’s but was in a PLM group, she went through someone’s bins I mean who does that? She always neglected her children when she was live and her house was a total mess when she moved out 🤮
Feb 29, 2024
Aww you took my advice congratulations you have grown 🥳 I respect that wish you all the best on your new thread hope you all get the answers you need ✌🏻🐌


Mar 12, 2024
What I’d like to know is why is she such a liar? Has she always been this way? The people she’s hurt and been nasty to is unreal, she’s always calling people P’s but was in a PLM group, she went through someone’s bins I mean who does that? She always neglected her children when she was live and her house was a total mess when she moved out 🤮
Okay what would you like me to address first? Who have I called a P barring love day and others where there is actually evidence of crimes and convictions? Cause I'd like to be shown where I've falsely said that. Because other than Johnny I haven't. Now I said he was because I was told and they told me he was the same person who did things. When in actual fact they were mixing him with a WRONGUN and gaslighting me that he was that person too. So he's the only person I've called a convicted P without hard proof and I was wrong.
Plm I'm not part of. Kat kazzis all them lot they fight and argue it's not who I am. It's who I was forced to be yes. As I had to defend myself or so I thought.

I don't need to defend myself on the internet to fandoms who think they know me by assuming.

On my worst of days yes indeed I use a wheelchair. On my best of days I am ok but in pain.

As for the neglect of my children that's absolutely comical. My children are far from neglected. Infact my parenting is way beyond any thresholds for neglect as I live and breathe and fight my pain each day to give my kids the best of everything.

The claiming to be a victim of me. Every single "friend" I had during my relationship with mazz I was saying how I felt crazy like she was trolling me and they all agreed I was mental she loved me.

Then the messages from Sam's group chat came out about my eldest and I ended it there and then. I told maz to get help get better and be the woman she was when I fell in love with her.

I excused her sty behaviour of posting images of me asleep in group chats, pushing me to feel alone and isolated.. she openly admitted to Kelly she didn't want me to have friends. Yet I'm the issue here.

When I was saying I know it's mazz trolling me and s stirring causing fall outs I was laughed at

But look everything I have ever said to anyone has come true.

That's why I fed maz some things to see what would come back. And yesterday a little cherry pie fed to her came back from a troll account. Proving to myself I was right all along.

I've seen her do it to Zac and Zara she forgets I have all our conversations and red and Sharron and Manda and Michelle and Anyone else that dare be kind.

See victim mentally comes from that side not mine. My past has made me the strong woman I am today. To withstand all this bullshit smear campaign online.

I'm no victim and I certainly don't want anyone's pity.

I want you to shut the hell up about me. And let me and my children live our lives.

I see this online bullshit for what it is.

Just like professionals do. If I was half as bad as is made out id of had my kids removed months ago. I call social on myself to get their help and support. And they have seen the barrage of calls over a few counties now and see this for exactly what it is.

I can guarantee I'm one of very few parents that have given express permission for social workers to visit in school, turn up at home at any time they like as I've nothing to hide. The support pack put in place doesn't involve working with me or my children it has me in therapy to deal with the biggest fear I ever had, and the mass campaign to make that happen.
You are all pawns in a sick and twisted game. But I'm not the one at the table playing.

Others who have lived through it see it too.

Now kindly unless you live in my shoes, my body my head shut the do up and leave me alone.

I'm living my best life. And nobody denying my abuse, my history my disability is going to hurt me.

Because I was there I know what happened and untill I get justice I won't be showing my hands to a bunch of keyboard warriors.

I think that's it all. Anyway

Back to my coffee and breakfast making. Today it's breakfast bagels anyone want one?

If you can't be kind then please be quiet. Behind the screen is a real human with real feelings going through real s.

Don't be the one to pull someone apart when they need pulling together.
You all pull people apart too easy and it's dangers as hell.

Even after all done I've not posted all of the messages that show maz to be lying about her parents abuse to her, lying about what she went through, lying about how reality actually was and is.

Last time I shared messages to prove my innocence I was outed again even though I was right then. Like I'm right now.

Difference is this time I know I'm not being head pecked by people close to me I'm being supported and loved and growing from it. So my fears are not even there anymore. These words don't hurt me because I know the truth of it all.

I'm far from angelic and never profess to be. I always own my s. Even when I've been fearful too.

So kindly again. Unless you know the full story don't bother trying to be part of the problem be part of the solution

Much love

A x
Feb 28, 2024
Okay what would you like me to address first? Who have I called a P barring love day and others where there is actually evidence of crimes and convictions? Cause I'd like to be shown where I've falsely said that. Because other than Johnny I haven't. Now I said he was because I was told and they told me he was the same person who did things. When in actual fact they were mixing him with a WRONGUN and gaslighting me that he was that person too. So he's the only person I've called a convicted P without hard proof and I was wrong.
Plm I'm not part of. Kat kazzis all them lot they fight and argue it's not who I am. It's who I was forced to be yes. As I had to defend myself or so I thought.

I don't need to defend myself on the internet to fandoms who think they know me by assuming.

On my worst of days yes indeed I use a wheelchair. On my best of days I am ok but in pain.

As for the neglect of my children that's absolutely comical. My children are far from neglected. Infact my parenting is way beyond any thresholds for neglect as I live and breathe and fight my pain each day to give my kids the best of everything.

The claiming to be a victim of me. Every single "friend" I had during my relationship with mazz I was saying how I felt crazy like she was trolling me and they all agreed I was mental she loved me.

Then the messages from Sam's group chat came out about my eldest and I ended it there and then. I told maz to get help get better and be the woman she was when I fell in love with her.

I excused her sty behaviour of posting images of me asleep in group chats, pushing me to feel alone and isolated.. she openly admitted to Kelly she didn't want me to have friends. Yet I'm the issue here.

When I was saying I know it's mazz trolling me and s stirring causing fall outs I was laughed at

But look everything I have ever said to anyone has come true.

That's why I fed maz some things to see what would come back. And yesterday a little cherry pie fed to her came back from a troll account. Proving to myself I was right all along.

I've seen her do it to Zac and Zara she forgets I have all our conversations and red and Sharron and Manda and Michelle and Anyone else that dare be kind.

See victim mentally comes from that side not mine. My past has made me the strong woman I am today. To withstand all this bullshit smear campaign online.

I'm no victim and I certainly don't want anyone's pity.

I want you to shut the hell up about me. And let me and my children live our lives.

I see this online bullshit for what it is.

Just like professionals do. If I was half as bad as is made out id of had my kids removed months ago. I call social on myself to get their help and support. And they have seen the barrage of calls over a few counties now and see this for exactly what it is.

I can guarantee I'm one of very few parents that have given express permission for social workers to visit in school, turn up at home at any time they like as I've nothing to hide. The support pack put in place doesn't involve working with me or my children it has me in therapy to deal with the biggest fear I ever had, and the mass campaign to make that happen.
You are all pawns in a sick and twisted game. But I'm not the one at the table playing.

Others who have lived through it see it too.

Now kindly unless you live in my shoes, my body my head shut the do up and leave me alone.

I'm living my best life. And nobody denying my abuse, my history my disability is going to hurt me.

Because I was there I know what happened and untill I get justice I won't be showing my hands to a bunch of keyboard warriors.

I think that's it all. Anyway

Back to my coffee and breakfast making. Today it's breakfast bagels anyone want one?

If you can't be kind then please be quiet. Behind the screen is a real human with real feelings going through real s.

Don't be the one to pull someone apart when they need pulling together.
You all pull people apart too easy and it's dangers as hell.

Even after all done I've not posted all of the messages that show maz to be lying about her parents abuse to her, lying about what she went through, lying about how reality actually was and is.

Last time I shared messages to prove my innocence I was outed again even though I was right then. Like I'm right now.

Difference is this time I know I'm not being head pecked by people close to me I'm being supported and loved and growing from it. So my fears are not even there anymore. These words don't hurt me because I know the truth of it all.

I'm far from angelic and never profess to be. I always own my s. Even when I've been fearful too.

So kindly again. Unless you know the full story don't bother trying to be part of the problem be part of the solution

Much love

A x
That's great. Your trolls are like little pieces of s that cling on to the hairs on your arse. You'll soon wipe them away and flush them. 😆


Mar 9, 2024
Okay what would you like me to address first? Who have I called a P barring love day and others where there is actually evidence of crimes and convictions? Cause I'd like to be shown where I've falsely said that. Because other than Johnny I haven't. Now I said he was because I was told and they told me he was the same person who did things. When in actual fact they were mixing him with a WRONGUN and gaslighting me that he was that person too. So he's the only person I've called a convicted P without hard proof and I was wrong.
Plm I'm not part of. Kat kazzis all them lot they fight and argue it's not who I am. It's who I was forced to be yes. As I had to defend myself or so I thought.

I don't need to defend myself on the internet to fandoms who think they know me by assuming.

On my worst of days yes indeed I use a wheelchair. On my best of days I am ok but in pain.

As for the neglect of my children that's absolutely comical. My children are far from neglected. Infact my parenting is way beyond any thresholds for neglect as I live and breathe and fight my pain each day to give my kids the best of everything.

The claiming to be a victim of me. Every single "friend" I had during my relationship with mazz I was saying how I felt crazy like she was trolling me and they all agreed I was mental she loved me.

Then the messages from Sam's group chat came out about my eldest and I ended it there and then. I told maz to get help get better and be the woman she was when I fell in love with her.

I excused her sty behaviour of posting images of me asleep in group chats, pushing me to feel alone and isolated.. she openly admitted to Kelly she didn't want me to have friends. Yet I'm the issue here.

When I was saying I know it's mazz trolling me and s stirring causing fall outs I was laughed at

But look everything I have ever said to anyone has come true.

That's why I fed maz some things to see what would come back. And yesterday a little cherry pie fed to her came back from a troll account. Proving to myself I was right all along.

I've seen her do it to Zac and Zara she forgets I have all our conversations and red and Sharron and Manda and Michelle and Anyone else that dare be kind.

See victim mentally comes from that side not mine. My past has made me the strong woman I am today. To withstand all this bullshit smear campaign online.

I'm no victim and I certainly don't want anyone's pity.

I want you to shut the hell up about me. And let me and my children live our lives.

I see this online bullshit for what it is.

Just like professionals do. If I was half as bad as is made out id of had my kids removed months ago. I call social on myself to get their help and support. And they have seen the barrage of calls over a few counties now and see this for exactly what it is.

I can guarantee I'm one of very few parents that have given express permission for social workers to visit in school, turn up at home at any time they like as I've nothing to hide. The support pack put in place doesn't involve working with me or my children it has me in therapy to deal with the biggest fear I ever had, and the mass campaign to make that happen.
You are all pawns in a sick and twisted game. But I'm not the one at the table playing.

Others who have lived through it see it too.

Now kindly unless you live in my shoes, my body my head shut the do up and leave me alone.

I'm living my best life. And nobody denying my abuse, my history my disability is going to hurt me.

Because I was there I know what happened and untill I get justice I won't be showing my hands to a bunch of keyboard warriors.

I think that's it all. Anyway

Back to my coffee and breakfast making. Today it's breakfast bagels anyone want one?

If you can't be kind then please be quiet. Behind the screen is a real human with real feelings going through real s.

Don't be the one to pull someone apart when they need pulling together.
You all pull people apart too easy and it's dangers as hell.

Even after all done I've not posted all of the messages that show maz to be lying about her parents abuse to her, lying about what she went through, lying about how reality actually was and is.

Last time I shared messages to prove my innocence I was outed again even though I was right then. Like I'm right now.

Difference is this time I know I'm not being head pecked by people close to me I'm being supported and loved and growing from it. So my fears are not even there anymore. These words don't hurt me because I know the truth of it all.

I'm far from angelic and never profess to be. I always own my s. Even when I've been fearful too.

So kindly again. Unless you know the full story don't bother trying to be part of the problem be part of the solution

Much love

A x
Ok so why do I feel like I’ve been told off like a naughty child? I mean really are you serious the gaslighting in that novel I mean paragraph I mean essay 😂

Let me just say fiesty I thought you were a decent human at first, I thought you were genuine until I saw you turn on others who you’d been friends with, you were awful with the way you spoke about them, you even called a man on TikTok a P and I’ve never witnessed him do anything wrong, his content on YouTube is amazing, I never bothered with YouTube only for music until someone mentioned a deep dive, and the evidence he has on you and your partner is incredible 😳

You sit there playing poor me, how can you deny what you have done? You make out it’s everyone else, the common factor in all this is you, how can everyone be wrong and you be right, make that make sense

Why would so many people be against you if you’re such a nice person, you’re very dangerous and I feel sorry well not sorry for people who associate with yourself as it’s there own fault.

Where’s you ex? She’s run for the hills hasn’t she, you didn’t dump her at all you were still together I’ve seen videos on the fyp yesterday and today so you lie you’re a compulsive liar.

At the end of the day you’re a narcissist and you abuse and hurt people that enter your life!


Mar 13, 2024
What an essay must be smoking in a room not watching the kids as usual plenty of time to comment.

Let's break some of this down.

"Who have I called a P barring love day and others where there is actually evidence of crimes and convictions? Cause I'd like to be shown where I've falsely said that."

You said on multiple occasions that FF had shared indecent images of a " victim" when they were 15 by hacking Instagram then it changed to Snapchat . You also said you wouldn't trust FF around his kids friends.

As for PLM You have stated multiple times you have been in that group but the story like most of your stories is forever changing.

"I don't need to defend myself on the internet to fandoms who think they know me by assuming."

So why are you commenting ya slug ?

"On my worst of days yes indeed I use a wheelchair. On my best of days I am ok but in pain."

Yes I heard your sniff snow and it preforms a miracle speech over your lack of mobility. The lack of mobility we see from you in mainly laziness.

"As for the neglect of my children that's absolutely comical. My children are far from neglected. Infact my parenting is way beyond any thresholds for neglect as I live and breathe and fight my pain each day to give my kids the best of everything."

It's not comical it's Sad . You chain smoke in a house with them in and you do not prioritise them over social media that's clearly to see.

"Then the messages from Sam's group chat came out about my eldest and I ended it there and then." No you didn't you put multiple tiktoks up with you both in image staying even friends with someone who threatened that.

"I excused her sty behaviour of posting images of me asleep in group chats, pushing me to feel alone and isolated.."

You actually shared an image of Mazz sleeping with one of her bits hanging out without consent.

" smear campaign online." Screenshots & evidence is not a smear campaign is it.

"I want you to shut the hell up about me. And let me and my children live our lives."

Go away then who's keeping you here but you ?

I see this online bullshit for what it is.

"Im living my best life"

yes I'm sure you are as a 40+ year old woman desperate to be on the internet arguing in forums , kicked it of your house , massive debt , bad health , bad emotional health ... You ain't kidding anyone. We can see the misery in your face and how warn down and haggerd you are.

" keyboard warriors."

How did you type this woe is me essay then ?

"If you can't be kind then please be quiet. Behind the screen is a real human with real feelings going through real "

Take your own advice ya fat mess

"Even after all done I've not posted all of the messages that show maz to be lying about her parents abuse to her, lying about what she went through, lying about how reality actually was and is."

Would you like some sort of medal for this ?

"Much love"

Why don't you go show your kids some instead of being on social media again talking crap


Mar 9, 2024
What an essay must be smoking in a room not watching the kids as usual plenty of time to comment.

Let's break some of this down.

"Who have I called a P barring love day and others where there is actually evidence of crimes and convictions? Cause I'd like to be shown where I've falsely said that."

You said on multiple occasions that FF had shared indecent images of a " victim" when they were 15 by hacking Instagram then it changed to Snapchat . You also said you wouldn't trust FF around his kids friends.

As for PLM You have stated multiple times you have been in that group but the story like most of your stories is forever changing.

"I don't need to defend myself on the internet to fandoms who think they know me by assuming."

So why are you commenting ya slug ?

"On my worst of days yes indeed I use a wheelchair. On my best of days I am ok but in pain."

Yes I heard your sniff snow and it preforms a miracle speech over your lack of mobility. The lack of mobility we see from you in mainly laziness.

"As for the neglect of my children that's absolutely comical. My children are far from neglected. Infact my parenting is way beyond any thresholds for neglect as I live and breathe and fight my pain each day to give my kids the best of everything."

It's not comical it's Sad . You chain smoke in a house with them in and you do not prioritise them over social media that's clearly to see.

"Then the messages from Sam's group chat came out about my eldest and I ended it there and then." No you didn't you put multiple tiktoks up with you both in image staying even friends with someone who threatened that.

"I excused her sty behaviour of posting images of me asleep in group chats, pushing me to feel alone and isolated.."

You actually shared an image of Mazz sleeping with one of her bits hanging out without consent.

" smear campaign online." Screenshots & evidence is not a smear campaign is it.

"I want you to shut the hell up about me. And let me and my children live our lives."

Go away then who's keeping you here but you ?

I see this online bullshit for what it is.

"Im living my best life"

yes I'm sure you are as a 40+ year old woman desperate to be on the internet arguing in forums , kicked it of your house , massive debt , bad health , bad emotional health ... You ain't kidding anyone. We can see the misery in your face and how warn down and haggerd you are.

" keyboard warriors."

How did you type this woe is me essay then ?

"If you can't be kind then please be quiet. Behind the screen is a real human with real feelings going through real "

Take your own advice ya fat mess

"Even after all done I've not posted all of the messages that show maz to be lying about her parents abuse to her, lying about what she went through, lying about how reality actually was and is."

Would you like some sort of medal for this ?

"Much love"

Why don't you go show your kids some instead of being on social media again talking crap
This is a brilliant breakdown of her reply 👏👏
Feb 29, 2024
Going well over here she’s so hated by 2 people 😏 oh just to let you know unstable Mable was one victim who came forward about fact freak to feisty 💀 when countless people come forward about someone we should now all ignore them as we would get a bad reputation for standing up for women 🙈
Me myself remember everything that came out all the individuals that came forward seen every single message that he sent to them so yeah feisty is such a monster 💀


Mar 12, 2024
Ok so why do I feel like I’ve been told off like a naughty child? I mean really are you serious the gaslighting in that novel I mean paragraph I mean essay 😂

Let me just say fiesty I thought you were a decent human at first, I thought you were genuine until I saw you turn on others who you’d been friends with, you were awful with the way you spoke about them, you even called a man on TikTok a P and I’ve never witnessed him do anything wrong, his content on YouTube is amazing, I never bothered with YouTube only for music until someone mentioned a deep dive, and the evidence he has on you and your partner is incredible 😳

You sit there playing poor me, how can you deny what you have done? You make out it’s everyone else, the common factor in all this is you, how can everyone be wrong and you be right, make that make sense

Why would so many people be against you if you’re such a nice person, you’re very dangerous and I feel sorry well not sorry for people who associate with yourself as it’s there own fault.

Where’s you ex? She’s run for the hills hasn’t she, you didn’t dump her at all you were still together I’ve seen videos on the fyp yesterday and today so you lie you’re a compulsive liar.

At the end of the day you’re a narcissist and you abuse and hurt people that enter your life!
Lol I've never played poor me. I have never defended myself like I would in court on that app. Anything I say or do can't be used in court. Use your noggin petal

So because these lot hang me out with all their "evidence" and I don't respond I'm guilty 😂😂😂😂

I used to get really upset about it. But then I realised this online bullshit doesn't matter. Because when I do show my hands to them who I need to they take a step back go ohhh right...

Okay we need to help make justice happen

You lot of "mouth pieces" my ex Sara included didn't get told everything. I refused to show evidence that keeps me out of trouble with the law.

I want my day in court. Then all these little wound up bullies who have been made into weapons with mouths will see.

I frankly can't wait to sit back and say. Sorry will never be enough for what they put me and my kids through.

I hope they get a taste of their own medicine, for more than what they doled out to me.

I'll bring my rotten tomatoes to throw.

Now again darling. do off if you can't be kind be quiet.

If I've not buckled and shown all my evidence up till now what makes you think I'm gonna now?

Every day is one step closer to my legal justice

And when I get it. I will be the accepting 0 apologies

And going through in fine detail every live, every video, every comment that's been made said and done

And disproving where I need too. And providing explanations and apologies where I need too.


Mar 12, 2024
Going well over here she’s so hated by 2 people 😏 oh just to let you know unstable Mable was one victim who came forward about fact freak to feisty 💀 when countless people come forward about someone we should now all ignore them as we would get a bad reputation for standing up for women 🙈
Me myself remember everything that came out all the individuals that came forward seen every single message that he sent to them so yeah feisty is such a monster 💀
She was the first and I told her to ignore him and ran to him with it all. So ya know. 😂 I'm the problem


Mar 13, 2024
Going well over here she’s so hated by 2 people 😏 oh just to let you know unstable Mable was one victim who came forward about fact freak to feisty 💀 when countless people come forward about someone we should now all ignore them as we would get a bad reputation for standing up for women 🙈
Me myself remember everything that came out all the individuals that came forward seen every single message that he sent to them so yeah feisty is such a monster 💀
Actually I think you'll find that she showed that fiesty had put pressure on her to do that. FF was so confident he read all there messages and showed everyone them as he did it.


Mar 13, 2024
Lol I've never played poor me. I have never defended myself like I would in court on that app. Anything I say or do can't be used in court. Use your noggin petal

So because these lot hang me out with all their "evidence" and I don't respond I'm guilty 😂😂😂😂

I used to get really upset about it. But then I realised this online bullshit doesn't matter. Because when I do show my hands to them who I need to they take a step back go ohhh right...

Okay we need to help make justice happen

You lot of "mouth pieces" my ex Sara included didn't get told everything. I refused to show evidence that keeps me out of trouble with the law.

I want my day in court. Then all these little wound up bullies who have been made into weapons with mouths will see.

I frankly can't wait to sit back and say. Sorry will never be enough for what they put me and my kids through.

I hope they get a taste of their own medicine, for more than what they doled out to me.

I'll bring my rotten tomatoes to throw.

Now again darling. do off if you can't be kind be quiet.

If I've not buckled and shown all my evidence up till now what makes you think I'm gonna now?

Every day is one step closer to my legal justice

And when I get it. I will be the accepting 0 apologies

And going through in fine detail every live, every video, every comment that's been made said and done

And disproving where I need too. And providing explanations and apologies where I need too.
More BS to break down ... Slug do you actually read back anything you say ?

"I've never played poor me."

Really do you remember your go fund me for over a hundred grand because you were financially abused. Then all the receipts come out about your massive debts in your name nothing to do with ex wife .

"Anything I say or do can't be used in court. Use your noggin petal"

Want to talk about the non moll Against you at the moment that you declared yourself on a live stream was because of talking about her (lying about her).

*So because these lot hang me out with all their "evidence" and I don't respond I'm guilty"

Well yes ya big fat clown if the evidence proves your lying 🤦

"I used to get really upset about it. But then I realised this online bullshit doesn't matter."

Yet here you are again never mind advertising multiple times about doing live streams to prove someone else is in the wrong or the poor me comments in other people's live chat

"I frankly can't wait to sit back and say. Sorry will never be enough for what they put me and my kids through."

How long will you be waiting because you said the same when you had a go fund me up to sue the foster care system after they decided you were not fit to foster any more

"Now again darling. do off if you can't be kind be quiet."

Once again take your own advice

"If I've not buckled and shown all my evidence up till now what makes you think I'm gonna now?"

You can't show what does not exist and it's laughable that you expect people to just believe you
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Feb 29, 2024
More BS to break down ... Slug do you actually read back anything you say ?

"I've never played poor me."

Really do you remember your go fund me for over a hundred grand because you were financially abused. Then all the receipts come out about your massive debts in your name nothing to do with ex wife .

"Anything I say or do can't be used in court. Use your noggin petal"

Want to talk about the non moll Against you at the moment that you declared yourself on a live stream was because of talking about her (lying about her).

*So because these lot hang me out with all their "evidence" and I don't respond I'm guilty"

Well yes ya big fat clown if the evidence proves your lying 🤦

"I used to get really upset about it. But then I realised this online bullshit doesn't matter."

Yet here you are again never mind advertising multiple times about doing live streams to prove someone else is in the wrong or the poor me comments in other people's live chat

"I frankly can't wait to sit back and say. Sorry will never be enough for what they put me and my kids through."

How long will you be waiting because you said the same when you had a go fund me up to sue the foster care system after they decided you were not fit to foster any more

"Now again darling. do off if you can't be kind be quiet."

Once again take your own advice

"If I've not buckled and shown all my evidence up till now what makes you think I'm gonna now?"

You can't show what does not exist and it's laughable that you expect people to just believe you
Dunno about anyone else I stopped reading after the third word this person put 😂
Gezze this is going so well for you so far brought no proof just hearsay 😂
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