Fiesty / aisha/ whatever else she calls herself.


Mar 13, 2024
, "break of data protection and breaching human rights of children in care not just me but others."
Jamie is above the age of consent and no Breach puts and children in care at risk . If it was a serious police issue why did the police do nothing . Ya melt
"Enough now before I have to take legal action for safeguarding of vulnerable children's private care records you shouldn't have. Twisting them to make s look like me is only digging a deep hole for you."

What's stopping you? Please do I'd love to see you and pizza face destroy eachother
Naming my ex's 🤣🤣
Why don't you tell everyone why Gary ment you could no longer foster along with other vile things ?
Anyone who has copies of my nudes or the records you took... Are in serious s too. Especially with the narrative you are trying to spin

What about pizza faces pic you took of her sleeping with her tits hanging out ?
I've had steak and BJs at lunchtime 🤣😁
Not surprised I'd imagine you get what you can hope you wiped ya s stained arse first
Laughing about how pathetic you are being because you are irrelevant and trying to prove your s doesn't stink.

Irrelevant but yet here you are responding again
Get my s out your mum's house in a storage unit. I'll give you access to my unit to get your s next week. At the same time I collect my stuff from your unit in Runcorn.
I'm not Mazz dumb t
Stop being petty. Grow up. Bringing misery to children and exposing their abuse when you have their records is criminal. Don't make me call the police again
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Feb 29, 2024
Me I'll speak out about me. 🤣 I've do all to hide 🤣

But a bloody good book in the making
It’s true everyone’s biggest hater is themselves so who better that you to put yourself 😂 , someone has to as everyone here seems to have been dropped on their head as a child or something 💀🙌🏻


Mar 12, 2024
Jamie is above the age of consent and no Breach puts and children in care at risk . If it was a serious police issue why did the police do nothing . Ya melt

What's stopping you? Please do I'd love to see you and pizza face destroy eachother

Why don't you tell everyone why Gary ment you could no longer foster along with other vile things ?

What about pizza faces pic you took of her sleeping with her tits hanging out ?

Not surprised I'd imagine you get what you can hope you wiped ya s stained arse first

Irrelevant but yet here you are responding again

I'm not Mazz dumb t
Look at that coke making you reply in stages. 🤣

Awwwww see looked after children records even mine at the age of 41 are confidential and never allowed to be published.


Or even copied

Someone's fed up

And it's not me.

Because I've been sent everything you've sent to someone.

Guess what. They see you for what you are and karma is a b.

I suggest u leave me alone and stop naming children who's files you claim to have.

It's absolutely beyond criminal. How nothings been done is beyond me.

But there are vulnerable children and adults being spoken about without Thier consent.

By you if Ur not mazz Ur in s too for naming them. Ain't ya.

Now I suggest you delete your comments with their names on before they see it.

Or don't. Be it on your head


Mar 13, 2024
Look at that coke making you reply in stages. 🤣

Awwwww see looked after children records even mine at the age of 41 are confidential and never allowed to be published.


Or even copied

Someone's fed up

And it's not me.

Because I've been sent everything you've sent to someone.

Guess what. They see you for what you are and karma is a b.

I suggest u leave me alone and stop naming children who's files you claim to have.

It's absolutely beyond criminal. How nothings been done is beyond me.

But there are vulnerable children and adults being spoken about without Thier consent.

By you if Ur not mazz Ur in s too for naming them. Ain't ya.

Now I suggest you delete your comments with their names on before they see it.

Or don't. Be it on your head

Jamie is no longer a child Is he.

Tell us all about the foster kid that attacked you again that caused your fed back


Mar 12, 2024
And the record shared about the compss came from a authorized copy of my care records.

That has been spread all over. The exclusion from school. See I only had my care records too piece my past together.

You think you are cleaver you are clearly not! Anyone talking to you should know you sharing them is illegal.



Mar 12, 2024
Yet again no proof maz it’s just a sick twisted ex making up stuff to get revenge bless ya
Well the stuff she said to me about Zac, Zara, red, zavi, her dad tam. The things she said she would do if someone turned up at her parents house... I kept every message I ain't scared. Can't wait for justice to happen 🤣


Mar 12, 2024
Do you actually answer any questions?

Tell us the story again about the foster child that attacked you caused your fed back and stopped you being a carer
You tell me your version 🤣 cause it's not what happened. Ya messing with kids personal records you absolute vile scumbag.
Feb 29, 2024
Or even more worse imagine being with someone who’s done all this apparent things that you are claiming maz and sleeping with them and then when you broke up begging her to stay with you , imagine that says more about you than aisha if im honest
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Mar 12, 2024
Kids records YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE. They were in storage. You took them. Didn't you. Because I kept them there as I was duty bound to keep them away from you. Because of the things in them. Now do off you vile spotty skipped vag twisted do.

Them kids don't need your poison eyes looking at their history.

Anyone you've shared with is fed too.

I'm done playing

Time for action
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