jodie-leigh @deadringxr

Mar 18, 2024
Literally none of the people were in plm until I came back to the app and found out they were. I had distanced myself from them all. Lost contact with S for months and only recently got back in touch

When people started warning me I became wary and afraid and unsure what to think. Still don’t know what to think but I’ve just not replied to him since all this bs happened because I want no fing part in any of that. Guilty by association for me whilst others literally sit in lives of people who have been in the server??? Make it make sense please.
spongebob squarepants bullshit GIF
Feb 28, 2024
See this is literally what I’m on about

You ask, I answer and it’s not fing good enough??? What do you want me to do cos some of you have literally gone with a narrative that I’m the world’s worst person.

I’m literally someone who’s on her own and unable to do much of anything so try’s to make friends lmao
Mar 18, 2024
See this is literally what I’m on about

You ask, I answer and it’s not fing good enough??? What do you want me to do cos some of you have literally gone with a narrative that I’m the world’s worst person.

I’m literally someone who’s on her own and unable to do much of anything so try’s to make friends lmao
because your not telling the truth tell the truth for once and maybe we’d believe you
Feb 28, 2024
Youre just not making any sense, you said you knew us and I'd asked twice now and I'm sorry but I'm not your fing parrot, who do you actually think we are? Spit it out jodie!!!!
I’m sorry but you made an account only to be on here really and cause me grief

I’m not name dropping people because Im not like that lmao. Sat here going at me when you’re literally hiding yourself grow up
Mar 18, 2024
I’m sorry but you made an account only to be on here really and cause me grief

I’m not name dropping people because Im not like that lmao. Sat here going at me when you’re literally hiding yourself grow up
you wanna take your own advice jodie i’m not going into this back and forth anymore im going to bed everyone have a great sleep jodie have a s sleep
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Feb 28, 2024
you wanna take your own advice jodie i’m not going into this back and forth anymore im going to bed everyone have a great sleep jodie have a s sleep
Not going back and forth on a narrative you spun because you saw I was laughing and getting my confidence back online again after I had relapsed

So you brought it to here because you were mad at me and got people to believe a bunch of lies when I was already in a bad way??? Like fing hell it’s actually beyond evil tbh

Now a bunch of people who don’t know me think that they do? Think that I’m kicking about the place not disabled and having people attack me for it?
Mar 18, 2024
Not going back and forth on a narrative you spun because you saw I was laughing and getting my confidence back online again after I had relapsed

So you brought it to here because you were mad at me and got people to believe a bunch of lies when I was already in a bad way??? Like fing hell it’s actually beyond evil tbh

Now a bunch of people who don’t know me think that they do? Think that I’m kicking about the place not disabled and having people attack me for it?
it’s no narrative it’s the truth you have provided no evidence to prove that your not disabled so until you provide that evidence i don’t believe that you are disabled.
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Feb 28, 2024
it’s no narrative it’s the truth you have provided no evidence to prove that your not disabled so until you provide that evidence i don’t believe that you are disabled.
I have already posted a bunch of medical stuff to show whatever I could considering the way I was freaking out and breaking apart when this all kicked off

That clearly shows something rather than what you’re implying. I was getting ready to post more until I had to log out of here for myself because of what was being fing said and the state I was in. You can’t expect me to not be upset with it, I was already in a bad way before this 😂 I’m human, sorry 🤨
Mar 18, 2024
I have already posted a bunch of medical stuff to show whatever I could considering the way I was freaking out and breaking apart when this all kicked off

That clearly shows something rather than what you’re implying. I was getting ready to post more until I had to log out of here for myself because of what was being fing said and the state I was in. You can’t expect me to not be upset with it, I was already in a bad way before this 😂 I’m human, sorry 🤨
guilt tripping manipulation tactics victim card once again all you posted was referral letters no diagnosis letters jodie just stop lying there’s no point your embarrassing yourself alright so do off
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Feb 28, 2024
The internet is just the internet. You can have company online without it being surrounded by drama and problems. You are the company you keep. Change it up, find new people. Improve your life
I’m not the only one to have caused issues. Some of the people who have been around ain’t innocent.
Feb 28, 2024
guilt tripping manipulation tactics victim card once again all you posted was referral letters no diagnosis letters jodie just stop lying there’s no point your embarrassing yourself alright so do off
I literally posted a recent health assessment with a medical professional in order to get me more support especially with a disability support and other things

They are medical professionals. You are not.
You do not have the fing right to bully someone and call them a liar when they struggle every day you are just as bad as some of the people you’re apparently against lmao.
Mar 18, 2024
I literally posted a recent health assessment with a medical professional in order to get me more support especially with a disability support and other things

They are medical professionals. You are not.
You do not have the fing right to bully someone and call them a liar when they struggle every day you are just as bad as some of the people you’re apparently against lmao.
calling someone out on their bullshit is now bullying so by that logic your bullying all of us. i’m not doing this it’s nearly 4am so do off im going to bed
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Feb 28, 2024
calling someone out on their bullshit is now bullying so by that logic your bullying all of us. i’m not doing this it’s nearly 4am so do off im going to bed
If you don’t like me as a person that’s okay. I can be snappy and sarcastic and a know it all most the time. I can be an absolute raging b.
If you have an opinion on me then that’s fine I’m not gonna fight you on it

Going around calling me a liar for my health when some of you know damn right on this thread who got involved what kinda place I was in and still… sorry but it’s fed up. Then to lie about your involvement on a live when you had been here all along… sorry but I’d never treat anyone like that especially if they told me how bad things were for them.

do me I even tried to help a group of people who called me a wrongun and blocked me because it was the right thing to do. The first videos I posted were to do with something else (nothing to do with them) to numb me whilst I rotted in bed tbh. Could have sat there and gone “meh karma”, like others said to me but I’m not like that. The hypocrisy in it all is a bit mental really.


Mar 6, 2024
In my cauldron
Genuinely isn’t directed at you btw just to clear that up. People have been concerned and I’m not in the place to tell them what’s going on.
You’re lying again. I watched i
You in Pats live last week. Saying CC pushed you to SH and want to unalive ya self. Remember we have eyes everywhere 😂 trauma dumping all over tryin to get sympathy you tried in other lives same day.


Mar 6, 2024
In my cauldron
Jodie, I want to give you genuine friendly advice.

The route you’re currently following on social media, is causing you no end of bullshit. I’m sure you’re a perfectly lovely lass underneath all the TikTok drama. I honestly think you need to learn to read the room, and not get involved as easily as you do. You also highjack lives to turn them round to yourself. You don’t need to be able to “relate” to every situation, you can listen and empathise, without doing “me, myself and I” conversations. Active listening is a hugely important skill. If you’re waiting to talk, you’re not listening fully.

Find some fun, creative, or funny lives to just sit in the chat. Meet new people, try to steer away from drama tok a bit. Get your crafts out, set a challenge to do a minimum of 1 hour crafting a day with no social media on. Box your day out, with social media days, and set alarms to come offline. In the boxes write something to do, journaling, crafting, light housework etc. Fill some of your time differently.

Your current track, isn’t a healthy one, if your MH is truly as poor as you claim, then YOU are responsible for finding ways to improve that, and you have to know TikTok certainly isn’t going to help it. Look at your phones online timer thing, see how many hours a day you’re online, I thInk you’ll be surprised.

I genuinely do hope you can change direction and learn from all of this. Move on in a healthier way, and stop telling porkies.