Katie Reed @katie_reed101

see it all.

Jun 1, 2024
Totally for awareness and exposure purposes!!!!
Dont get me started shes absolutely vile and she now has her kids living back full time pretends she's happy but you can see she's livid! Begging yesterday made over £40 n no doubt will be back on tiktok today putting that daft act on fa gifts n money as birthdays are coming up! People sending her money for food n she goes on to buy wine which she was supping early afternoon...then back on later that day for more gifts n paypal ans who o why does she shout..they all shout not talk without shouting mouthing..wonder what lies she tells today for money 🤔 😒
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see it all.

Jun 1, 2024

she's on as expected. In the best mood excited and reasons are her kids will be going back to their fathers half the month again only this time no social services involved! She's on cloud nine I've noticed she likes everything her way only! She's telling the people in her chat to tap the screen but more so to gift otherwise She's coming off live!!! Bribery at its finest! She's extremely selfish and as I'm a silent watcher on her tiktok I see all and see how she manipulates her chat for gifts.. vulnerable people giving her their money I think is appalling and she needs stopping she's on all benefits including high rare pip there's nothing wrong with her when she's screaming n jumping about when people send her money to her paypal she even gets innocent people in her chat to bank transfere her aswell! She's no shame..common as muck and lies so much but forgets her own lies but I don't!! I've watched her for over a year and will continue to do so to keep making people aware her behaviour as a mother its disgusting her kids can't even be in the same room as her without her shouting telling them shhh swearing at them .. expects them to sit still not move talk or eat! By god if the kids ask for anything the devil comes out fast and her selfishness over takes! She makes sure she comes first n that is a fact. It's all about Katie Reed before her kids or house. Oh and how she hasn't rats in her kitchen is beyond me because she has at least 1 or 2 FULL black bing bags of rubbish while every now and again try hiding them by pushing her door to hide them..go see...she's extremely lazy n blames MH n absolutely loves taking her medication! 🫣🤔😒
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see it all.

Jun 1, 2024
Well dick head I know who you are straight away and I am happy for my kids to be able to see there dad like they was before ok and I like that the social are not involved either and quess why they are not involved because they are happy with me and the hard work I have put in and they are not concerned as much as there dad is not concerned about me having the kids full time because in fact my love the routine that is as perant was good for us and the boys but then it all changed because of his girlfriend didn’t want the boys there no more ok but now he has said that she doesn’t mind them being there so I am not a horrible mother and if my boys want to spend time with there dad and girlfriend they can ok and another thing I don’t shout at my kids all the time ok and I am booking a carvan holiday on Friday when I get paid ow and I was trying to borrow money not ask for free money ok but I sorted it out with a family member of mine so go do urself ok lol and what kind of dad steals the kids from there mother just to punish me because I put in for maintenance last year and he threatened me if I didn’t cancel it he would ruin my life and I refused to cancel it and then he stole my boys and they have been through so much and I have to but as soon as social services actually step up and tell his girlfriend to remove a post about my son Bertie she did not like it and she said that she doesn’t want them anymore ow and she posted it why my son Bertie was in her house and he seen the post and he called me up crying because he felt like he was unwelcome so she made there dad chose her or the boys and he chose her so if I was such a bad mother why did he dump his boys like that and then social services have no concerns same as there dad
Right Katie Reed ve had enough im not sitting back while you try to insult me name call me on here and not expect me to say anything back? So time you copped some s back....You are so deranged!! You do not know me and have never met me ever!! I live half across the country from you ya freak. The reasons I know so much about you / your behaviour is coz you tell everyone on social medias!!!!!! I've actually go screen recording of you..STOP THINKING YOUR MRS MARPEL EVERYTIME SOMEONE WRITES ABOUT YOU!! There are many who cannot stand you or your actions not just what looks like your Ex n his partner!! See when ya sit scrounging begging LYING .. ACTING...CONSTANTLY HINTING for gifts N money N amazon wish list...on tiktok EVERYTIME your on tiktok...ya manipulating and sly n sneaky ya no better than a con man. Infact you are a con man your obsessed everytime you come on tiktok you have to get money from people on your chat..why?? Leave people stop trying to pretend your ill at yime to get money..ya see Katie all your behaviour comes back to you.. hence your misery..you are not a nice person your disgusting infact. You plan and deceive from your followers which is low. I know many of your type. I worked you out just a month after I started following you and I thought this one thinks she's so clever acting up for the people for money..ITS ALL ABOUT WHAT YOU CAN HAVE FOR FREE YA SEE!!! Ya greedy a greedy selfish fpig!
You have having YOUR boys full time really grinds on you..you hate it..its clear so stop with the bullshit that your buzzing ya have em full time! The camera never lies..and i love it when the kids trip you up on your lies..YA MOUTH CAN ANYONE HELP IVE GOT NO CRISPS JUICE N MUNCHIES THE KIDS GREEDY sS HAVE ALREADY ATE THEM..CANT GAVE NOTHING IN...THEN HER SON SAYS ...COUNTING UP THE CRISPS THERES 6 BAGS 🫣 Katie's face is like thunder you can see she's been sussed also think that's a great thing in to have..a must.. sweets crisps? So the poor people in her say gave to cop the bill and she gets her way again.. then shout ya your kids fa eating...ITS WHAT KIDS TO EAT YA TIGHT b.... yet to any other mother they just gets on with being a single parent loves them no matter what and unite to a little family unit unconditionallove to her kids unlike YOU.

You loved being in that sanctuary away from them..you loved it when they were 7 days turn at their dads..You just love YOUR time on tour own so you can be lazy..selfish..tell lies beg hint put that stupid embassing act on like ya thick or docile as your planning ta scams to your chat what lies can ya say ... n evety one of your kids THE PEOPLE OF TIKTOK HAVE PAID FOR THEIR XMAS PRESENTS..BIRTHDAY PRESENTS..EASTER..WHAT EVER INGOLVES THEM INCLUDING FEEDING THEM
.. I saw you the other night when you was last on I SEE YOU AND WATCH YOUR FILTHY ATTITUDE N LIES FOR MORE MORE MORE MORE MONEY..

AND the comments on TATTLE LIFE are true about you. I can't get on there other to raise awareness over you otherwise I'd plaster the truth too about you aswell.

THERE IS SO MUCH MORE I CAN SAY FROM WATCHING YOUR LIVES you put your life on tiktok. That's how I know your s..and as fir your Ex and his partner leave them both alone you are obsessed a woman scorned and what you don't realise it's you who has ruined your children..YOU..your behaviour no motherly instincts what's so ever your all mouth.. you never hug your children you never let them talk about anything it's all live on the camera for all to see you are a cold mother and deserves all the misery you've had n have because like I said your behaviour come back to you and this dear fpig is why your miserable .. goes around comes around... you cannot keep out of your exs and his girlfriends businesses...I was on that time you were calling them unfit..disgusting because Marley n bertie has no clear underwhere and you went into detail how dirty marley boxer shorts were that they had at least 6 days s in them thry stunk n u had to bin them..ITS YOUR JOB AS A MOTHER TO KNOW IF YOUR KIDS HAVE UNDERWEAR..BUY IT..BUT you got good old vulnerable tiktok to but them.. no wonder the exs n his girlfriend have had enough and she don't want anything any more to do..good for her I say..she's best rod of you...your so ungrateful for all thry did n that's how much you plaster your life on here I know your life inside out coz ya can't hold ya own breath under water.
So Miss fpig Conman peace out for now!! I will be silently watching you shaking my head at your conning ways debating weather to ring DWP to get you investigated... will see. Bet your on tiktok today coz you skipped yesterday n that's coz it was child allowence day so ya were OK for money yesterday but them birthdays will be tapping away inside your head needing want con the followers..bribe them..sting them..deceive them.. and repeat.. over n over.. oh n tidy up your house laziness..please take the rubbish out I worry your kids will pick up diseases from the full bin bags that grow n grow.. now off for my morning coffee now I've got that off my chest..I was simply raising awareness but your filthy mouthed warped mind attacks me so I'm gunna give back and the best part is YOU WILL NEVER KNOW WHEN IM WATCHING SCREEN RECORDING TO RAISE AWEARNESS AND YOU NEED EXPOSING BECAUSE YOU ARE A CON MAN..NOT A GOOD MUM..SLY .. SELFISH..SNEAKY..ALCO DIRTBAG. ... 😘😘