Legal Gengar - Matthew Heath


New member
Jan 2, 2024
Legal Gengar aka Matthew Heath web developer who pretended to be a lawyer.
He bought a fake certificate to carry on the make believe, as proven by the name. Cost £12.

Always makes things up and when he's found out deleted and says it was a joke. Got caught out faking screen shots many times and would have carried on pretending they were real, instead says it was mistakes on purpose. 😆😆
I can't keep up with him and he's not relevant for a tattle thread. But his thing is plagiarising tattle posts for attention on twitter. Has posted so much bullshit and in reality he's pretty similar to jack monroe. Flounces off twitter every couple of weeks for a week. Last time he was pretending he was no longer running his twitter but a team of people was, kept messing up with the we and I. Absolute fruit loop. Like jack monroe claims to have taken down Katie Hopkins (she didn't) he claims to have taken her down (he didn't).
Anywho starting a thread to log his batshit behaviour. He's flounced off from twitter with the usual dramatic fear for his life, legal advice etc like he always does as he's run out of stuff to nick from tattle and this gets attention.


New member
Jan 2, 2024
I can't keep up to date with him, but now he's wealthy. But what about when he was posting about setting up a patreon for all his legal advice (from when he was still pretending he was a lawyer). I guess he'll now say all those posts were a joke.

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Everything is from the jack monroe playbook of sad attention seeker, will say anything for attention. Still waiting for all the police action he said was definitely happening last year for people who called out his many many lies. Of course if police action was happening you would post about it on social media to scream it :LOL: .


New member
Jan 2, 2024
Remember when Jack Monroe posted his name, an hour later he said he was having death threats at home for him and his family and his employer had been contacted. If you're going to lie at least be smarter and make something up that clearly isn't made up!
He said Jack monroe would be facing action, she never did and now he's posting his name cause he's beggin for fame.


New member
Jan 2, 2024
Sure sure sure... there's these multiple private chats, that multiple people in them have sent him screen shots of and he also has real time access to them where they're all talking about him.

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No screen shots obs! & id he over-eggs it and makes it clear to even the stupidist person in the room that it's all invented he'll delete this all and say it was a joke post.


New member
Jan 2, 2024
He's claiming this is him. I'm pretty sure it's made up as a way to pretend someone else with the same (not particularly unique) name is him and goes along with is bollocks about major surgery and illnesses attention stuff. With him deleting thousands of tweets hard to find straight away where he's said he's much older than that. But useful to log!

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New member
Jan 2, 2024
Per normal him returning a week after dramatically flouncing (for the 40th time).

Now it was to do with upgrading his home (nice and vague per usual) even though he was claiming to be recovering from major surgery 12 days ago :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:. Didn't he live with his parents he said not long ago as he couldn't afford to move out? Now he's got a home he's upgrading. Could be talking about upgrading his room at parents house, but he lies so much hard to ever know. Glad the unnamed major surgery that didn't stop him from this upgrade, but the major surgery was the reason the other day he was not posting.

Police ✅, civil litigation ✅ etc as he's been saying for the 12 months. Sure Jan!
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New member
Jan 2, 2024
He's claiming this is him. I'm pretty sure it's made up as a way to pretend someone else with the same (not particularly unique) name is him and goes along with is bollocks about major surgery and illnesses attention stuff. With him deleting thousands of tweets hard to find straight away where he's said he's much older than that. But useful to log!

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I maybe take that back! He's said so so so many lies it's easy to dismiss them.
But the article in the mail says
"Matthew, who weighed 2lb 1oz, suffered a partial collapse of the left lung and has attention problems and learning difficulties."
Which sounds about right. He's obvs a very unstable individual with the fantasy world he's created. I don't think he has any friends and beleive him when he said he's never had a partner.
He needs to get off the internet and stop being such an unpleasant individual. Some therapy is needed. With his learning difficulties seeming pretty severe and he could in all honesty not understand that his threatening, doxxing etc is exactly what he accuses others of then does himself to others. He often says he's a genius, witch his own behaviour debunks as more of his wild fantasy.

why if he's gone on a lot about his family being harassed (which is no doubt another lie) would he put out there the names and ages off his parents and also the names and date of birth of his siblings. facepalm. his parents need to intervene. hope they're aware.


New member
Jan 2, 2024
Like jack monroe he's forever going on about threats he gets. Said it so much doubt it's got ne truth. Loves thinking he's so targeted and making drama that he's the centre of. If he had friends and a life he wouldn't be addicted to using X to add some meaning to his life.


New member
Jan 2, 2024
Wow only a couple of hours after a blog post he's being sued, skipping all the formalities and straight to the dramatics. As if it happens that quickly. At first a legal firm would said a threat to say action within 48 hours. Wit all his cosplay about a lawyer with loadsa clients why does he still fail at following basics to make his dramatics at least be plausible.



New member
Jan 2, 2024
He's spoken about setting up crowdfunding and patreon many times for his legal advice etc 😆😆😆 I guess it's all forgotten since he deleted it.
He's high off this award winning investigative journalist he now calls himself. Not as much as a lie as his previous claim of being a lawyer with loads of clients.


New member
Jan 2, 2024
My supporters, death threats, evidence for my case. All exactly the kind of attention seeking stuff jack monroe would post. Funny how he's spoken a lot about death threats he's got, apparently now hasnt had any. His story changes so often.



New member
Jan 2, 2024
always such drama, always 99.9% invented. as if anyone cares that much about his blog. always has to pretend he's some superman
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New member
Jan 2, 2024
All he does is post cryptic s that people lap up like "something big is happening, sorry can't say more" or "I win" or "wow something amazing is happening". then all the idiots run with this s he does for attention and drama. he's spent the last year going on about his legal cases as if he's got some high powered long court case when all he's done so far is ask for £10 back from jack monroe, she ignored it so it won on default in a 20 second judgement, not even really a case. hardly the fantasy he makes out. get a hobby mate.

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