Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

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Jun 5, 2023
First of all I'm sorry she did that to you but secondly I know why she won't do off of here, or social media. It's because she has nothing and no one. Nothing real, substantial, nothing to make her happy or pass her time so she uses social media to gain the attention she so desperately wants. And it doesn't matter that it's bad attention, because it's attention and that's all that pig craves. Any sort of human contact, even with people who hate her.
I could say the exact same thing to you who spends your entire day talking about me on a trolling site . So do shut up.


May 29, 2023
I’m an ex friend / follower who vanished due to her too. I also had a friend who was very down on herself(&vulnerable) who couldn’t / wouldnt handle being outed she has never returned to social media because of Kayleigh and her behaviour. If @Buddha_belly is you Kayleigh how about own up to bullying and harassment yourself to 100s of innocent women.
Then you're pathetic for getting involved with her. It's not like you didn't know what she was about.
Play with fire you get burnt silly girl

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
Well... this has been quite the eventful rollercoaster of an evening thread scroll. Welcome to all of Kayleighs personalities, thank you for joining us. You of course are entitled to your opinion on our opinions. Unfortunately all you have done is confirm our opinion is correct - your need for attention is desperate and sad. Why would you read here? Why would you react? What are you trying to achieve other than the deep craving you have for attention? What is it about even negative attention that gives you such a rush? Why would you want to be kept 'relevant' from constant criticism? Aim higher for yourself, have some self respect.


May 2, 2023
I get the jist of what your trying to say so what I will say is . I chose to do what I'm doing that shouldn't affect you or anyone else . It is Mt choice to sell my body for money on the internet it has enabled me to have a good chunk of money saved for me and my children's bank accounts, it's enabled me to afford things I never could, now what I choose to spend my money on has got nothing to do with anyone especially you. I could have 50 grand or £1 in the bank and you wouldn't have a clue . You do not know my bank balance and you never will because it is absolutely none of your business!

How do you know I'm not buying a house ? How do you know I haven't applied for a mortgage ? How do you know I haven't booked and paid for a holiday next year ? Simple fact is you don't know do you? What because I haven't posted it pn the internet for all to see ?

I am not and won't be the first mother to set up and use onlyfans for an income why do I have to keep justifying myself to people ?

Are you saying the same for Rebecca goodwin who does this? Isn't she also empowering women to do the same thing 🤣 so many contradictions.

I did many stories for the scottish sun from a BUSINESS PERSPECTIVE absolutely I would ! Wouldn't you if you were running your own business ?? It was for 1 reason and 1 reason only ! It made me money in subs and it was also for exposure ! And it did just that! What was I meant to do oh no sorry my trolls online said I shouldn't?? Please seriously.
I can categorically say, I absolutely would not ever, ever do any business with the sun. It is often more damaging and attracts the wrong type of clientele. I run my own business. Three of them. If you think the sun is a good business move, then I’ll link you up with a reputable PR agent who will ‘educate’ you on why it is not. Please, with respect, don’t try to patronise me with the business angle because you’ve done something for a few months cos I could wipe the floor with you business wise - and I genuinely mean that with as much respect as possible. I’ve had mine for 15 years and let me tell you, you still have a hell of a lot to learn so don’t try and take a moral high ground like you’re a cunning business mind a year or so(?) in, you’re not, and arrogance will make you absolutely fall on your arse.

The reason people ‘assume’ you don’t have all of the above in line is because you’re a chronic oversharer who is fond of receipts. YOU have set that standard for yourself. I don’t need to know your bank balance to know your sub fee is around £6 in total. Again, couldn’t give a do about only fans but think as women we should value our bodies at a value more than that. Same goes to anyone who does it - I don’t know Rebecca Goodwin is I’m literally not arsed, so I can’t contradict myself over someone I’ve never even heard of. The sentiment still stands, regardless of who it is.

Thing is, nobody is even asking you to justify yourself - nobody asked you to come here. It’s the equivalent of a comment section on a newspaper article - if all of this was on your sun article, would that be ok cos you put that out there?

Please don’t get on your high horse and act like you don’t discuss people online cos you do, you have and you will - it’s that simple.
May 13, 2023
Sorry, again please provide proof of this ?? What have I apparently done now ? And I'm sorry leave the internet on your say so ?? I earn money off being on social media , my children need protecting from people like who you choose to spread and say the most disgusting s on a forum anonymously so what makes what your doing to me any better than what I apparently did to you??! Have you seen what you have commented lately ??!

But it's ok your anonymous so guess that's ok.
Well for a start I don’t keep screen shots in my phone from years ago you mentalist.

Your children don’t need protecting from me I’ve have absolutely no interest in them in the slightest. I have nothing bad to say about them either, if anything I feel sorry for them.

Anything I have commented is nothing compared to what you do you poisonous t
Apr 21, 2023
100% agree however sadly I got stick when I suggested the same!

All kids should be off limits. I find it disgusting and disturbing when adults on this forum (and tattle) talk about her kids in a horrible way. I have said all along they are innocent wee tots and don’t deserve pics of them to be reposted on forums or to be called names.

On the flip side…. I have seen some of the messages people like Paige, Natasha Cherie, Hayleigh etc received about their children that Kayleigh was meant to have sent (I have my suspicions that it was Aileen but that’s another story) I have seen the messages so
I know that KK or her bestie forehead give zero fing regards for anyone else’s kids so asking for the same respect for your kids is hypocritical.

I still think they should be OFF LIMITS


Jun 5, 2023
Well for a start I don’t keep screen shots in my phone from years ago you mentalist.

Your children don’t need protecting from me I’ve have absolutely no interest in them in the slightest. I have nothing bad to say about them either, if anything I feel sorry for them.

Anything I have commented is nothing compared to what you do you poisonous t
Sp you didn't post a screen shot from my stories I did atleast 6 months ago no?


Jun 5, 2023
I love that we've rattled the beast enough for her to actually descend on here openly 🤣
No I've come on here to reply to your absolute nonsense to make the majority of you look ridiculous and just to clear up a few of your deranged stories and events you've made up in your strange heads.


Jun 5, 2023
I can categorically say, I absolutely would not ever, ever do any business with the sun. It is often more damaging and attracts the wrong type of clientele. I run my own business. Three of them. If you think the sun is a good business move, then I’ll link you up with a reputable PR agent who will ‘educate’ you on why it is not. Please, with respect, don’t try to patronise me with the business angle because you’ve done something for a few months cos I could wipe the floor with you business wise - and I genuinely mean that with as much respect as possible. I’ve had mine for 15 years and let me tell you, you still have a hell of a lot to learn so don’t try and take a moral high ground like you’re a cunning business mind a year or so(?) in, you’re not, and arrogance will make you absolutely fall on your arse.

The reason people ‘assume’ you don’t have all of the above in line is because you’re a chronic oversharer who is fond of receipts. YOU have set that standard for yourself. I don’t need to know your bank balance to know your sub fee is around £6 in total. Again, couldn’t give a do about only fans but think as women we should value our bodies at a value more than that. Same goes to anyone who does it - I don’t know Rebecca Goodwin is I’m literally not arsed, so I can’t contradict myself over someone I’ve never even heard of. The sentiment still stands, regardless of who it is.

Thing is, nobody is even asking you to justify yourself - nobody asked you to come here. It’s the equivalent of a comment section on a newspaper article - if all of this was on your sun article, would that be ok cos you put that out there?

Please don’t get on your high horse and act like you don’t discuss people online cos you do, you have and you will - it’s that simple.
That's your opinion and your entitled to it , but do not press your opinions on me . You run your business how you are and I'll do mine how I'm doing OK.

I discuss people in private if I ever feel the need to and not on a trolling site but in all fairness I'm to busy to give a do what anyone else is doing with their life , but you seem heavily involved in what I'm doing and what I'm not . Maybe concentrate on your 3 businesses and keep your nose out of mine ?? When I do on occasion rant or give an opinion ..I'm allowed to ! Exactly like you are ! Difference is I use my face and it is never malicious compared to how I may of posted years ago . Thanks.

You'll be glad to know I have 2 upcoming sun articles coming out which I am looking forward to 🙂 so sorry about that .


Apr 16, 2023
No I've come on here to reply to your absolute nonsense to make the majority of you look ridiculous and just to clear up a few of your deranged stories and events you've made up in your strange heads.
You're the only one looking ridiculous though. Yet again.
You're the biggest bully out there. Most of us have seen your behaviour over the years and it's laughable that you think you're suddenly absolved of any responsibility just because you say so. You've destroyed some people. Genuinely destroyed them. You've been abusive and cruel. Why would anyone care about anything you have to say now? And I don't give one s about your kids before you start that nonsense again. I couldn't care less where they are or who they're with. I care that you're so vile and you never have to take responsibility for it.


May 3, 2023
Just to say, I’ve never posted pictures of your children or made disparaging comments about them. I wouldn’t do that about any child. I do think you need to think more about what safeguarding means though and how to action that.

As an aside, I’ve reported my post I made regarding the Google search of you. I didn’t post it to cause distress or for any nefarious reasons, just to point out that it shows you haven’t really been “keeping yourself to yourself”. Again, maybe all of this will give you pause for thought.
Apr 21, 2023
No I've come on here to reply to your absolute nonsense to make the majority of you look ridiculous and just to clear up a few of your deranged stories and events you've made up in your strange heads.


Ehh??!? Billy big baws behind your phone screen but too much of a se bag to confront your next door neighbour!!!!

Who has said the absolute worse things about your children, horrific things that we (YOUR TROLLS) called her out on and told her to stop!!

What sort of a mother allows that to happen? I’d have booted her door down if that were me!!

Buy you won’t, why?! You’re a big mouth t who spent years trolling people online, contacting their ex partners, their parents and place of work! Now you’re getting a taste of your own medicine and you don’t like it.

Start with that fanny next door, then come for us


May 2, 2023
That's your opinion and your entitled to it , but do not press your opinions on me . You run your business how you are and I'll do mine how I'm doing OK.

I discuss people in private if I ever feel the need to and not on a trolling site but in all fairness I'm to busy to give a do what anyone else is doing with their life , but you seem heavily involved in what I'm doing and what I'm not . Maybe concentrate on your 3 businesses and keep your nose out of mine ?? When I do on occasion rant or give an opinion ..I'm allowed to ! Exactly like you are ! Difference is I use my face and it is never malicious compared to how I may of posted years ago . Thanks.

You'll be glad to know I have 2 upcoming sun articles coming out which I am looking forward to 🙂 so sorry about that .
This is your problem - I’m not pressing them on you, not at all. You’ve got this weird level of arrogance about you where you take everything as “they’re trying to override me”, it’s odd.

You keep telling yourself you do it all privately and trying to convince others on here that you do - I know differently and can say that confidently. Receipts? Nah, don’t need to share em. Who am I? Who knows! You’re prolific on sites such as this and you’re prolific with fake profiles, always have been, always will be because you’re a relentless control freak and that’s exactly why you’re here. You can try to say it’s to answer to what people are writing but it’s not, it’s to shift a narrative that you can’t bear not having control over cos somewhere, deep down, what other people think of you does bother you. You're psychologically flawed, we all are, it’s just that you have a superiority complex and always think you’re right.

I guarantee you you’ve been screenshotting these posts, ready to cherry pick sentences to share on your platform to try and make these posters look bad and play the “you can’t argue with stupid card”, or something equally as uninspiring and predictable. IT IS WHAT YOU DO.

If you think having articles in the sun is a flex, then y’know, you do you 😂😂😂🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤢🤢🤢


Jun 5, 2023

Ehh??!? Billy big baws behind your phone screen but too much of a se bag to confront your next door neighbour!!!!

Who has said the absolute worse things about your children, horrific things that we (YOUR TROLLS) called her out on and told her to stop!!

What sort of a mother allows that to happen? I’d have booted her door down if that were me!!

Buy you won’t, why?! You’re a big mouth t who spent years trolling people online, contacting their ex partners, their parents and place of work! Now you’re getting a taste of your own medicine and you don’t like it.

Start with that fanny next door, then come for us
Wait you actually believe that's my neighbour ? Wow and I thought I was thick as s .
Apr 21, 2023
Just to say, I’ve never posted pictures of your children or made disparaging comments about them. I wouldn’t do that about any child. I do think you need to think more about what safeguarding means though and how to action that.

As an aside, I’ve reported my post I made regarding the Google search of you. I didn’t post it to cause distress or for any nefarious reasons, just to point out that it shows you haven’t really been “keeping yourself to yourself”. Again, maybe all of this will give you pause for thought.

She won’t, and I know it’s hard but please don’t show this giant whopper any empathy. She doesn’t deserve it. People who know me, know that I have always maintained that people can change. But she’s been given chance after chance, advice after advice and it goes in one ear and out the other. Everything she does is for attention and the more negative it is, the more she wants it. It’s sadistic actually.
She needs therapy before she ruins they innocent wee kids lives.
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