Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

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Apr 16, 2023
She’s on one on her stories this morning but more to the point how do you tell your 2 children how you make your money and how do you explain to your 2 children all about the photos of you online when everyone sees them?
What again 🤣 she was yesterday aswell,as soon as there old enough,they'll see exactly how mammy made her money and the fact their dad thought that was ok to go off with other men ,can see exactly how the kids relationships are going to end up.
Apr 16, 2023
For the blocked
OMG,is she taking the effing piss,KK read them all back to yourself,as everything you have said you've done yourself.YOUV'E put your kids at risk by sharing pics of yourself on the same platform as your kids,you have taken pics of outside your house reg numbers etc,so many people no were you live,but like loubeg you won't take any of the blame so you have to blame someone else,you're the biggest troll going,stalking people,harrassing old lady and her family and lots more,what a poor excuse of a woman you really are,and we all no its because they won't watch your kids as they don't no how to behave,and now you can't send dan back there as you've destroyed the relationship they had

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
Unfortunately for her once it's on the Internet it's out their forever, she should have learnt this by now. We have all the screenshots. I bet she's constantly stomping round in an aggrieved state about how she's so hard done by. All her current fame got too much I reckon. She will have frantically been reading all the comments and can't keep up with all the hate. So for once she's just shutting her yellow sticker pie hole. She slipped there for a moment then checked here and couldn't take the heat.
Apr 16, 2023
Unfortunately for her once it's on the Internet it's out their forever, she should have learnt this by now. We have all the screenshots. I bet she's constantly stomping round in an aggrieved state about how she's so hard done by. All her current fame got too much I reckon. She will have frantically been reading all the comments and can't keep up with all the hate. So for once she's just shutting her yellow sticker pie hole. She slipped there for a moment then checked here and couldn't take the heat.
And she should no about screenshot's,she does it all the time .
Apr 16, 2023
Too busy to be on her insta and Tim tok any more huns, she has to many subs to keep up with after her 5 mins of 'fame'. Did have enough time however to post multiples stories slagging off her MIL on Instagram and then go back and delete them. So busy.
No,what she's done is took herself off not because to many subs,purely because the post's from paper hasn't went the way she wanted it to go,she isn't gods gift to men like she thinks she is,she just can't handle the truth about her and the fact she has really fkd up big style

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
No,what she's done is took herself off not because to many subs,purely because the post's from paper hasn't went the way she wanted it to go,she isn't gods gift to men like she thinks she is,she just can't handle the truth about her and the fact she has really fkd up big style
She won't realise her chaos has completely fed her whole life up until Dan has moved out, met someone else and she is stuck with a waster who dangled the dream of unlimited fried chicken in front of her eyes and then fed off when he realised she was a thirsty dirty tramp.
Apr 16, 2023
She won't realise her chaos has completely fed her whole life up until Dan has moved out, met someone else and she is stuck with a waster who dangled the dream of unlimited fried chicken in front of her eyes and then fed off when he realised she was a thirsty dirty tramp.
She can't see that the bloke's she is meeting and driving about with are only after 1 thing as she's put her manky kebab out there for all to see
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